First Wicked Rehearsal

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I held Elliott in my arms as tears flowed down my cheeks. I leant against Corey, who put his arms around me. "You're going to be just fine. And so will we." He said softly, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm going to miss you both so much. Especially Elliott. I've not had to leave his side yet for a prolonged period of time. I've always been with him. He's my little boy. He's my everything. As are you."

"I know love. And if you have a moment spare you can FaceTime and I'll answer. But this is a huge opportunity for you and Wicked is your dream show and Glinda is your dream role. And you'll be amazing. I just know it. And in one month you'll be back on Broadway again."

"I know. And I can't wait. I'll just miss you both so much."

"And we will miss you too. We both know Elliott is such a daddy's boy, but he loves his mommy so much and loves cuddling with you too."

"I know. He always has this perfect smile whenever he's cuddling me." I took a deep breath. "Okay, so there's milk in the fridge, and a few pouches in the freezer. I doubt you'll run out, but if you do, formula is in the cupboard in an emergency." Corey nodded and I kissed Elliott and handed him to Corey. "Have a good day with daddy. I love you so much Elliott and I'll miss you loads. Bye." I looked up at Corey and sighed. "Bye love. Good luck, and I'll see you later. I love you so much."

"I love you too Katie. My angel. You'll be amazing. I just know it. Bye." He kissed me again before I reluctantly left to go to my first rehearsal for Wicked. As I sat on the subway I looked though my phone at all my favourite photos of Corey and I and of Elliott. I already missed him so much. I hoped he was at home playing happily on his play mat Kara had gotten him because Emerson loved his one. Once at the theatre I headed in with my pass I'd been sent and found my way up to the rehearsal room. The Gershwin theatre was so big it had its own studio spaces for rehearsals for new cast members. I wondered up all the stairs looking at all the plaques with the names of people who had been in the show before. I smiled knowing one day my name would be up there. I walked in and was greeted by the resident choreographer, director and music supervisor. There were a few other people joining in the ensemble too.

"Hi, you must be Katie Lindsay."

"Yep. That's me. And I'm super excited to get started."

"Great. So we're all here now."

"Am I late?" I said suddenly panicking.

"No. Not at all. You're still a little early actually which is always good and professional. I was going to say let's all do a round of introductions. Katie how about you start?"

"Oh okay. I'm Katie Lindsay. I'm 26 and I started my career at NYU and graduated in 2012. September of that year I made my Broadway debut as the alternate and understudy for Katherine Plumber in Newsies, covering for my sister Kara and playing opposite my now husband, Corey Cott. I took over as principal in May of 2013 and was with the show til closing in August 2014, so just under 2 years. I did the workshop for Bandstand in September of 2014. And I am a mommy to my beautiful little 2 and a half month old Elliott, so these first few days may be hard as I've never been away from him for more than an hour or two. The longest was actually my final audition for Wicked which was 3 hours. That's me." I said realising I'd rambled a bit.

"Wow, back on broadway after just over 2 months. Thats impressive." Jackie said. She was in the rehearsals to help as I had a lot of scenes with her.

"Yeah. I go on a lot of runs and I've been keeping up with singing and dancing in our basement studio at home. I was super lucky to lose the baby weight so quickly. And Corey starts rehearsals for Bandstand on Broadway in February so I was lucky to be offered this when I did, as obviously once he starts that I'll leave wicked because someone has to be home with our baby boy." I put my hand on my heart just thinking about him. The music supervisor came over and put her arm around me.

"I understand exactly how you feel Katie. It's hard being away from your kids, especially when they are still so young. I first came back to work a year after having my daughter and it was so painful to be away from her. If you ever need to stop and take a break to call your husband and son, feel free to ask, at a suitable time. And you're more than welcome to."

"Thank you." I said smiling softly. The 3 new ensemble members introduced themselves too and then we started rehearsal. Once I was focused on the work I didn't miss Elliott quite so much but as soon as we were given a break I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed Corey. He picked up pretty quickly.

"Elliott, look it's mommy." He giggled and flapped about a little, excited to see me.

"Hi baby boy. I miss you so much." I said tearing up a little.

"We miss you too Angel. And please don't cry. I know it's hard, but this is all worth it. I promise. Think about your dream."

"I know." Jackie came and sat beside me. "Hey, here's Elliott, and Cor." I said showing her the screen. "Corey, this is Jackie, she's my Elphaba and I'm so lucky to have someone as talented as her opposite me."

"Aww thanks Katie. You're crazy talented too."

"She sure is. She's the best. And I'm so lucky to have her in my life. And she's a brilliant mommy. Elliott is the luckiest little boy in the world."

"How's he doing?" I said softly. "Is he okay? Drinking from the bottle well?"

"He's doing just fine. Stop worrying so much love."

"I'm a mom. I'm his mom. All I do is worry about him."

"And he has his daddy right here. We will be okay Katie. I promise. And as I said he's doing just fine. Drinking happily from the bottle. He's been playing on his play mat for a lot of the morning so far, and he loves it. He's babbling and giggling as always and he's giving me lots of cuddles like he is now. I'm about to put him down for his nap anyway."

"I can't wait to have cuddles when I get home."

"I'll make sure I don't steal them all." I chuckled at him and smiled.

"Well I'll let you go put him to bed. We're about to start up again. I love you both so much and I miss you beyond what words can describe." I said softly.

"And we miss you too. I love you so much. You're my angel Katie, never forget that. Shine like I know you can. I love you, so does Elliott."

"Love you both too. Bye." I hung up and put my phone away. "He's the best." I said looking at Jackie.

"Who? Corey or Elliott." I laughed and smiled.

"Both. But Corey is so understanding and so supportive of everything I do. Wether it's acting, something I do as a mom. Or a decision I make for myself. He's always so supportive of it. Just like I am of him. I'm so proud of him for all he's achieved, starting his third broadway show next year as the lead again and being a father. He's the greatest dad ever and Elliott loves him so much. He's such a daddy's boy and will always choose to cuddle with him over me but that doesn't mean I love him any less. He's still my son, and it just makes those cuddles I do get with him more special."

"That's super cute. It nice to see you are super happy in your relationship with him and how much you care for one another."

"Couldn't have asked for a better guy. We just clicked so well when we first met and we work so well together." We then got up and starting learning more songs. At 5 we were allowed to leave and I quickly gathered my things, thanked everyone and left. I rushed to the subway and caught the train back home. I'd called Corey twice more during the day and I was impressed to have only called 3 times. Once home I dumped my stuff by the door and ran to the kitchen where Corey was beginning to make dinner. I wrapped my arms around him from behind. "I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you too Angel." He turned around in my arms and kissed me softly. I kissed back for a while before pulling away. "How was rehearsals?"

"Really good. Learnt a lot of my vocals for the songs today. But I'm more glad to be home with my boys." I kissed Corey again and went to the main room and picked up Elliott from his rocker. "Hi baby boy. I missed you so much." He immediately cuddled up to me, spreading his arms out and I teared up. "You're so perfect Elliott. I'm so lucky to be your mommy." I kissed the top of his head and held him close while sitting on the couch. I closed my eyes as I just held him, embracing this magical moment with my pride and joy. Corey came and joined us and Theo jumped into his lap. "My boys. I love you all so much. All three of you." I said leaning against Corey and I kissed my son's head.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now