Bandstand Opening Night - Paper Mill

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Today was opening night of Bandstand at the Paper Mill playhouse. I was 8 and a half weeks pregnant and it was so hard to keep it a secret. We'd had a doctors appointment confirming everything and we'd told both our families, Laura, Ben and Elouise. I scrolled though my phone looking at all the photos I'd been sent of Corey and Laura. They looked so good together and I was so proud of him. I'd seen their first preview and that performance blew me away so I was even more excited to see the show now. I eventually got out of bed and got ready for the day. I headed downstairs and saw Corey practicing on my keyboard. We'd moved it to the living room so he could play late at night without it waking me up. "You're getting better love." I said going over to him and putting my hands on his shoulders. I kissed the top of his head and smiled.

"Thanks Katie. I have the best teacher." He turned and gave me a goofy smile as I ran my fingers though his hair. "Anyways. How is my beautiful wife and our little one doing?" He'd said this every morning without fail ever since I told him I was pregnant.

"We're both doing great. Not having as much nausea as I had the other week, so that's good. And I know our little one can't wait to meet their father. And they are so proud of you. Just like I am. You ready for tonight? Opening!"

"Yeah. But also nervous. Apparently there are due to be a lot of vets in the audience tonight and obviously I want to tell their story truthfully and honour them and all they've done for our country."

"I know Cor. And you're going to do just that. Because you're amazing. And this show is amazing. You don't need to worry about a thing. And as I just said. We are so proud of you." I said resting a hand on my stomach. He finally turned and he put his hands on my belly and kissed it. This was another thing he often did. I smiled and put my hands on the sides of his neck as he kissed my still mostly flat belly multiple times. When I pulled my top up Corey and I could notice a bulge, just because we knew it was there and what it was. I looked down at him and smiled.


I stood by the door in Corey's dressing room and smiled at him. He had several gifts and flowers everywhere. Once he'd opened them all, I walked over and took an envelope out my pocket. Inside was his fathers badges from when he was a fighter pilot and my great grandfathers dog tags from when he was in the army in WW2. "These are for you Cor. From me, and your parents." He opened the envelope and took them out.

"Are these my fathers?"

"The badges are your fathers. The dog tags were my great grandfathers. They got passed down to my grandfather and then my father, always going to the eldest son. Obviously my parents never had a son, so my father was going to wait for the first grandson but neither us nor Kara and Kevin know the genders yet. So when he heard about this show, and what it was about, he decided you should have them, and then pass them onto our son, if we have one." Corey immediately pulled me into a hug and buried his head into my neck. I rubbed his back soothingly.

"These are amazing. And I'm honoured they been passed onto me."

"I am too." He pulled away and put his hands on my hips, pulling me into a kiss.

"I love you Katie." He whispered before his lips touched mine. I put my hands on the side of his neck and kissed him back passionately. A while later there was a knock on the door. I pulled away from Corey and went to open it.

"LAURA!" I squealed hugging her.

"Katie!" She squealed back. "How are you?"

"Good!" I smiled. "Excited to see you and my handsome man on that stage tonight." I said looking at him. The door then closed behind Laura.

"So, how's the baby doing? What was the doctors appointment like. I haven't seen you since then."

"It was magical, I got to see our tiny raspberry sized baby, who was more of a blob, on the screen. It was so perfect though, having Cor with me made it that much better. Once I'm further along I'm going to have to take you at some point."

"Sounds good. And I'm glad you're doing well." I stepped back and tightened the belt of my dress a little. "Oh my gosh, there's a tiny bump!"

"Yeah. There is. You can touch it if you like." I took her hand and placed it on my belly and her eyes lit up as I chuckled.

"That feels magical. Your little baby is in there. I'm so happy for you Katie. For you, Corey and your baby."

"Thanks. It feels magical knowing I'm growing our child. I love him or her so much already. And when the bump is bigger it will be more incredible." The half hour call came though and I sighed. "I'll see you later Laura. I love you."

"I love you too." We hugged and she left after telling Corey she'd see him once ready.

"I love you too Cor. Break a leg. You're going to be amazing. And just tell the story as honestly as you know it. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too Katie. I love you so much. And thank you for these. They mean a lot." He said clutching the badges and tags. "And I love you too baby." He smiled as he crouched down and kissed my belly and then my lips. I kissed him back for a short while before I eventually left to allow him to get ready for the evening.


I stood on my feet cheering loudly for my husband and best friend. They were incredible. I saw Corey grab hold of the dog tags around his neck and he held them to his heart as he and Laura bowed. There were a few speeches and then the cast left and I headed backstage to meet my husband. He was half changed already but still had the dog tags on even without the shirt. I went over to him and kissed him softly. "You were amazing love. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Katie."

"Cor. I noticed you holding the tags to your heart at the bows." I placed my hand under them and picked them up. "These are my great grandfathers tags? Did you wear his tags in the show?"

"Yeah. I asked Andy if I could wear your great grandfathers ones instead, and he said I could. So I've chosen to wear these on special nights. So opening, closing, first preview of broadway. If we get to perform at the Tonys I'll wear these." I smiled wider and a tear escaped my eye.

"He would be so proud of you for telling his story." He kissed my forehead and smiled. "Now. Let's get you ready for the carpet and the party." Corey finished getting ready and once he was we walked out to the hallway and Laura came out. "Wow. Laura! You look great."

"Thanks Katie." She looked at Corey. "He let you actually style him?"

"Yeah. Took some persuading. But I'm glad. Because he looks incredibly handsome." I laid my hand on his chest and pecked his lips. He smiled back at me and smirked.

"And my wife is incredibly beautiful." I blushed massively. "Now, let's get going." I held his hand and we walked to the door.

"Oh, once we're out there, remember to not touch my belly." I said softly. Corey nodded and kissed my cheek as we headed out. We went down the red carpet and Corey and Laura took several photos together and with the rest of the cast. I watched on with a smile on my face. After the red carpet we headed to the party.

Someone wasn't paying attention to the actual photographers on the red carpet and just kept pulling his usual dorky faces at me! So proud of my husband Corey and my best friend Laura for their opening night of Bandstand at the Papermill Playhouse!...

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Someone wasn't paying attention to the actual photographers on the red carpet and just kept pulling his usual dorky faces at me! So proud of my husband Corey and my best friend Laura for their opening night of Bandstand at the Papermill Playhouse! I love you Cor, even when you make pouty duck faces at me from a red carpet!

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now