Elliotts first birthday

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Today was Elliott's first birthday and I honestly couldn't believe our son was a year old. I cuddled with Corey in bed and kissed his cheek. "You ready for Elliott's party?"

"Yeah. It's going to amazing, all our friends and family will be here, and I can't wait."

"I can't wait either." I got up and went to get dressed. "Let's go get our little boy up." Corey got dressed and ready for the day too and we both went to Elliott's nursery.

"There's our birthday boy." Corey smiled and picked him up. He giggled and immediately cuddled into Corey's chest. "Let's get you dressed little one." He carried him over to the changing table and changed him while I got out a grey onesie with navy and orange stripes and some cute baby jeans. I handed them to Corey and he put the onesie on our son and then started putting the jeans on him.

"NO!" Elliott said, another word he knew now, and began kicking to avoid the jeans. He started crying and wriggling and Corey stopped for a moment so he could calm down before trying again. "Mama." Elliott sobbed. I picked him up and held him close.

"Hey buddy, it's okay. Daddy was just putting your jeans on you."

"No mama." Elliott cried.

"Okay then. Looks like we're going with just the onesie today." I said rubbing his back. Corey put the jeans away and I had Elliott watch and he slowly calmed down. "It's okay buddy. Daddy wasn't trying to hurt you, just getting you dressed for you birthday." I fed him and that helped calm him a lot. "I love you Elliott. And I can't believe you're 1 today. My little buddy." I walked downstairs with him and my parents were already downstairs and had made breakfast for us all. "Aww thanks mom and dad." I said seeing the blueberry pancakes.

"You're welcome Katie." My mom smiled and came over. "I can't believe I have two one year old grandsons. It's incredible." She said kissing Elliott's forehead. I handed Elliott to my mom so Corey and I could have breakfast. She played with him on her lap along with my father and Elliott giggled the whole time.

"Mama!" He said reaching for me. I took him into my lap.

"You want some pancakes buddy?" I said cutting a small piece up.

"Yes." He said smiling. Corey handed me a plastic plate and I put small pieces of the fluffy pancakes onto it and Elliott immediately grabbed a piece and ate it, followed by another, then another.

"Well, he's definitely my son alright. Eating homemade blueberry pancakes on his birthday. And loving every bite." I said kissing the top one his head.

"Mama, wuck." I nodded and put him down on the floor so he could go play with his trucks.

"My little angel." I smiled again as I went and sat on the couch, Corey coming to sit beside me. "Our angel." I said leaning against my husband.

"I can't wait to hear him say dada." Corey whispered. "I see how happy you are whenever he calls you mama. And that makes me happy, but I don't know the feeling you feel."

"And you will soon baby." I said looking at him lovingly. "Most kids say mama before dada, and the day he calls you dada will be the happiest for us both." I looked at him and smiled, kissing him softly. "It'll happen soon baby, I promise. And hey. He may call me mama, but you're still his favourite." I whispered as Elliott crawled towards us a bit, moved the trucks then moved himself then the trucks and so on until he was beside us. He picked up his favourite trucks and used the couch to help stand and looked up at Corey. He picked him up and Elliott smiled and cuddled into him the two played together a little and I went to get stuff ready for the party with my parents.


I went upstairs to see Corey had decided to take a nap with Elliott, which explained why he never came downstairs from putting him in his crib. I went and sat on the edge of our bed, running my hand though my husbands hair. I rarely got to see him sleeping as I was always asleep first and then was always second to wake up. He looked so adorable and cute, yet still incredibly handsome. Looking at him, with Elliott on his chest, reminded me so much of the early days of our relationship, when we first started sharing a bed while Corey was travelling between college and New York. Yes he was older now, more mature and also now a father, but he was still the same man I fell in love with 5 years ago. Corey soon woke up and looked at me.

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