Apple Farm

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"Morning Elliott." I said going to his crib and lifting him up.

"Mama." He smiled. He cuddled me and I went and changed his diaper then took him to the bathroom. I set him on the counter and he grabbed his toothbrush and gave it to me. I added the toothpaste and cleaned his little teeth. For some reason he absolutely loved this part of our morning routine. Once done I took him back to his bedroom and set him down while I picked an outfit for him before dressing him. "Mama."

"Yeah. I'm mama. You're adorable. You ready to see Aunty Laura?"

"Yeah!" He giggled and crawled over to his pile of toys and picked up a teddy bear Laura had given him for his birthday.

"Yeah buddy. That's from aunt Laura. Do you want to take it with you?"

"Yeah mama." I smiled and picked him up as he held his teddy close. I went downstairs just as Corey came home with Theo from their morning walk. "Dada." Elliott said clapping towards him. Corey went and picked him up.

"Hey buddy." He smiled and kissed his cheek. "Is Mommy about to make you breakfast?"

"Yeah." He waved the teddy at him.

"You excited to see Aunty Laura today then." He nodded in response. Corey smiled and put him back down and I walked over to them and kissed Corey on the lips and handed Elliott his breakfast. He immediately started eating and I then went and got Corey and I our breakfast. We all sat together and after Elliott finished he just babbled in his own language playing with his teddy. I texted Laura saying we'd pick her up in an hour. We played all together on the floor before I carried Elliott to the car and we left. Once at Laura's I got out to go get her and she immediately hugged me.

"I missed you Laura."

"I missed you too Katie. It's crazy that I see Corey every day but hardly ever see you."

"Well I have to be home watching our baby boy. And to be honest, now working every day when Cor isn't at work."

"How's that going? Must be tough."

"It is. But we make it work, and then we do exciting things like this on Sunday mornings. Sunday mornings do make up for all the time apart."

"It's sweet. You guys have such a special bond, I love it. You're so perfect for one another."

"He's my goofball. And I love him endlessly." We walked back to the car and Laura got in, sitting next to Elliott as I sat in the front.

"Aww hey Elliott. You like your teddy?"

"Teddy." He giggled and held it close as he smiled.

"He loves that teddy so much. Hasn't let go of it all day. He doesn't sleep with it, but it's his favourite to play with." Corey said as he started the engine.

"I'm glad he likes it. Our little bandstand baby. I remember when you first told me you were pregnant during rehearsals for Paper Mill. That was so special, and seeing you grow, and now watching Elliott grow. I love it. You know Nate and I are unsure on having kids or not, but considering adopting. But even if we don't do that, I love having Elliott in my life as my godson."

"And he loves having you in his life Laura." I smiled. Corey drove us to the farm and Elliott played with Laura the whole drive there. Once we arrived we put Elliott in his stroller and headed in. We quickly found some animals and Elliott began making the noises of the animals. "Elliott. What sound does a cow make?"

"Moooo." He said before giggling.

"And what about a sheep?"

"Baaaa." He said with a huge cheeky grin on his face.

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now