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I woke up early and went to put all of Corey and Elliott's Christmas presents under the tree along with all the gifts we'd received from friends and family. The tree looked amazing and I soon heard Elliott crying so I went back upstairs to his nursery and picked him up. "Merry Christmas Elliott." I said bouncing him up and down to sooth him. "It's your first Christmas and it's going to be magical." I said kissing his forehead. I changed him out of his Christmas PJs and into a Christmas outfit that Corey had brought him one day as it reminded him of a photo from his first Christmas and his first Christmas outfit. I smiled and changed his diaper too and then finished dressing him. I carried him back to the bedroom and saw Corey sat up on his phone. I went and sat in bed, feeding my son. "Morning Cor. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too my love." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "And Merry Christmas baby boy." He said twirling a piece of Elliott's hair around his finger. I smiled and leant against him. "Our first Christmas as a family of three, well four if we include Theo."

"Yeah. It's going to be a magical day and I know the two youngest of the family are going to be very spoiled."

"Definitely." Corey said softly. "I love you Katie. I don't feel I've said that enough recently. We've both been busy, me prepping for bandstand, you performing in Wicked 8 shows a week."

"I love you too Corey. And we will get though this. I'm lucky to have the day off today and I get to spend it with the love of my life, my incredible son, my built in best friend of a sister, my brother in law, my nephew and my parents. I couldn't have asked for a better family. And I of course love your siblings so much and your parents are the greatest parents in law I could have ever asked for. But yeah. I don't know where I'm going with this."

"It's fine love. We went to visit my family for thanksgiving so it's only right we get to be with your family for Christmas. And I love spending time with your family. They are so amazing. Kara is most definitely a sister to me and Kevin is one of my best mates now. You parents are the sweetest and obviously we both have the boys. Emerson and Elliott. They have one another."

"Yeah." I smiled. "Anyway. Someone needs burping and I changed him so it's your job." I said handing our son to him. Corey smiled and burped him while I got dressed and then I went downstairs with Elliott while Corey got ready. I put Elliott in front of the Christmas tree and smiled, taking some photos. "You are adorable Elliott. I love you buddy. And look at you sitting up all by yourself. Such a big boy." Corey came downstairs and Elliott reached for him so Corey scooped him up as Elliott giggled.

"I love you Elliott. Just like I love your mommy." He bent over and kissed me as I smiled.


At 9 my parents and Kara, Kevin and Emerson arrived. They'd been staying with them the last few days as I'd been at work so didn't make sense for them to stay with us. But they'd visited us during the day though. "Hi Emerson." I said taking my nephew into my arms. "You're getting so big. Growing up to be just like your dad."

"As is Elliott." Kara said seeing Elliott and Corey on the floor. "He's grown so much in the last few months. Supporting himself on the floor. Such a cute boy, who will be so much like his father."

"I can only hope so, because his father is the best." We all gathered in the living room after I went to make tea and coffee for those who wanted it. After that we started opening the huge pile of presents under the tree. I started with a few from coreys family and then put Elliott in my lap and helped him open some of his gifts. "Wow. Look at this, aren't you a lucky boy Elliott." I said looking at the toys he was getting. He got lots of trucks as he was beginning to love trucks already. I gave him a car to play with and continued to open my own presents. "Kara, Kev, thanks you guys. This is the best." I said as I held a photo frame of 4 photos, one from when Kara and I first discovered we were both pregnant. One from my baby shower just before Emerson was born, one of Us both with Elliott and Emerson as newborns and one photo we took a few weeks ago. "This is adorable." I smiled. "I love that they are just 10 weeks apart."

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now