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I walked hand in hand with Corey to rehearsals. He'd had permission from everyone necessary and invited me to come watch today. We got there early and he went straight to the piano he used for the show and turned it on and played. I'd heard these notes over and over again but hearing them today felt special and different. He played 'first steps first' which was a number I vaguely remembered from the workshop. He got his script out and propped it up. "Katie, sing? Please."

"Sure love." I stood behind him and began to sing the song as I rested my hands on his shoulders. I sang along and smiled when he joined in. Laura arrived and came over to us and started singing the tune with me so I decided to make it a three part harmony which sounded beautiful. Once we finished I put my arms around Corey's neck and kissed his cheek. "You're progressing so much baby. I'm so proud of you cowboy."

"Thanks love." He said turning to face me. "I couldn't have done it without you. And if we are lucky enough to go to broadway I want to work on the piano more and play everything. Because I currently just play the basic chords for the songs we perform in but I think they want to put some more complicated stuff in should it go all the way."

"And I'll be there to help you love. Of course. I love you so much." I pressed a soft kiss to his lips and smiled. Once I pulled back Corey grabbed my hand.

"I love you so much too Katie. More than anything. And I'm so glad you're here today to watch what we've been working on."

"I'm glad I'm here to. To support you. My incredible hubby." I kissed him again. "And my best friend."

"Thanks Katie." Laura smiled.

"Love. Is everything okay between you and Ben? He was always your best friend. I'm not saying Laura isn't your best friend. You've just not spoken to or about Ben much." Corey said softly.

"We're fine. We just haven't spoken much recently besides wedding stuff and our actual wedding. I barely see him anymore. I miss him a lot. But I just talk to Laura more now. We speak on the phone every day. I don't get that with Ben. He's still definitely a best friend. I just have two now. Well three including you. Because you're my best friend, my sole mate and my husband." Corey put his arms around my waist and rested his head against my stomach as I was stood and he was still sat on the piano stool. I smiled at him and ran my fingers though his hair. "I love you Cor."

"I love you too Katie." He whispered. "I love you so much. And I'm so lucky to have the most beautiful and loving wife." I held Corey close before everyone else began to arrive.

"I can't wait to see how it looks. I'm going to go take my seat love." I kissed the top of his head and he then looked up so I leant over and kissed him on the lips quickly. He kissed me back softly and then I pulled away and went to my seat. They began their rehearsals and were running though all the numbers today. They went though the show song by song and it was amazing to watch them all. I smiled as I watched my husband do what he does best. They finished the last number and I stood up cheering. Corey came over and sat beside me and I took his hand. "You did great. I can't wait to see it onstage. With all the other elements. It's going to be an incredible show."

"Thanks Katie." He said softly. "I think we're breaking for lunch in a bit. Want to head out on a date?"

"Sure, but can we invite Laura. I've not had much chance to just hang out with her in a while."

"Of course. I'll go let her know." He kissed my cheek and went over to Laura. I sat waiting and looked at my wedding ring and smiled. I didn't realise Corey was back beside me until he put his hand on the small of my back. "You okay love?"

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now