Corey's sardi's portrait

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"Today's the big day." I said as I got dressed while Corey changed beside me.

"Yep. I'm nervous, not gunna lie."

"You're going to be fine. As long as you can sign your autograph correctly that's all you need to think about love." I went over and stood in front of him. "And Elliott and I will be there supporting you after your recording this morning. It's going to be a magical afternoon together." Corey nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I truly am the luckiest guy in the world. To have you and Elliott by my side though all this. I know I say this all the time. But I don't know where I'd be without you Katie. You're my Angel, my world, my best friend, my love, my wife, my everything. You really are my everything Katie Cott."

"And you're my everything Corey Cott. I'm blessed to be married to you." He smiled and kissed me softly as we just held one another. Soon enough we pulled apart and went to go get Elliott before Corey had to go to finish recording the cast album with Laura. Corey got Elliott and I went to make us all breakfast and let Theo out into the garden. Soon enough Corey and Elliott came downstairs. "There's my boys." I gave them both a kiss and Corey put Elliott in his high chair and attached his bib before I started feeding him breakfast. Corey ate his as I ate mine and all too soon he had to leave. "Elliott, say bye bye to daddy." I said softly.

"Ba ba!" He said waving at him. Corey smiled and picked him up.

"Bye bye little one. Have a fun day with mommy, and I'll see you later." He kissed him softly and handed him to me as he kissed my lips. "I love you Katie, see you later my love." I smiled and held Elliott lovingly as we both waved goodbye.

"Do you wanna play with your trucks?" I said putting him on the floor and letting him crawl to his toy trucks on the floor. He said there making noises as he played with his diggers, cars and other vehicles. Elliott was obsessed with anything with wheels. He made little grunting noises as he made his diggers gig into the floor and I smiled watching him. "Elliott, do you want to try walking?" He looked up at me like I was crazy and then looked back down at his trucks to continue playing. I sighed and grabbed my laptop to do some work, well work hunting. Corey and I knew that I'd need to have a day job in order for us to be financially stable and able to support ourselves and our family. So we could give Elliott the life he deserved. I smiled and did some research, applied for a few things and then it was time for Elliott's nap. I laid on the couch with him on my chest and I sang a soft lullaby as I rubbed his back. He soon fell asleep and I just laid there holding him close, enjoying the cuddles with my almost 1 year old. 45 minutes later Elliott woke up and began to whimper. "Hey buddy. You had a nice nap?" I said softly. He nodded against me and I held him close and sat up as he was still a little groggy. He whimpered and rested his head on my chest and looked up and down between my chest and my head. "You hungry bud." I said sliding my off the shoulder top down and then feeding him. After he was done I burped him and changed him as usual and then it was time to head out to sardi's.

"Mama." Elliott said for the first time as he sat on the floor reaching for me. "Mama." He said again almost whining.

"Elliott! You said mama! I'm so proud of you baby." I picked him up and he cuddled into me. "My sweet little boy. Let's go see daddy yeah." He nodded and we left the house. Elliott sat in my lap on the subway and remained pretty calm which was great as he wasn't a fan of the subway. We then walked to Sardi's and Corey was already there with Laura. "There's daddy. And Aunty Laura." I said as we walked in.

"Hey love." Corey said as we walked towards one another.

"Hey Cor. You ready?"

"So ready!" He smiled. "And I'm even more ready now my favourite people are here." He smiled and I handed Elliott to him and Elliott immediately cuddled up to Corey like always. Corey kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. "Hi buddy. I missed you."

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now