July 4th

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I woke up to the sound of Elliott crying as I did every day and jumped out of bed. "Morning buddy. It's your first July 4th." I carried him to his changing table and quickly changed him before sitting in bed with him and feeding him. Corey woke up a few moments later and sat up and just looked at me.

"You are the most incredible mom ever. Elliott is so lucky."

"Thanks Love. And he has the best father ever too." Once Elliott finished feeding I burped him and then let him cuddle into me. "There's a good boy. Morning routine complete. You are so perfect baby boy. And you make me complete. Being your mommy is the best thing in the whole world." I smiled as he laid in my arms. He looked up at me and cooed a little causing me to smile widely. "We're gunna dress you up today. For July 4th celebrations. We're going to see Aunty Kara, Uncle Kevin, Aunty Laura, Uncle Ben, Nate, Elouise and Andrew."

"Jeremy texted me after you went to bed saying he and Ashley would be able to come now."

"Oh that's great." I said smiling at Corey. "Jeremy and Ashley are coming too. So many people to come give you cuddles." I looked up at Corey. "Do you wanna go sort Theo out or should I?"

"I'll go. You cuddle with Elliott. He needs his morning mommy cuddles." I chuckled a little as Corey kissed me and then got out of bed and got ready for the day, and headed downstairs. After 10 minutes I laid Elliott in his bassinet again and got dressed and ready and then changed Elliott into the cutest little July 4th outfit. I then headed downstairs with him in my arms. I made a coffee for both Corey and I and began breakfast all while holding Elliott. I looked outside to see Corey playing with Theo while setting up some decorations. I held my little boy close and kissed his forehead.

"Look at daddy. He's a crazy one." I finished breakfast and called Corey in, putting Elliott in his rocker. I smiled as we ate our breakfast. Elliott began to cry, so Corey got up and went to pick him up. As Corey held him to his chest Elliott calmed down. "Such a daddy's boy." I said softly. "And I love that so much." The three of us went outside once we finished breakfast. The sun was shining and I put a little hat on Elliott's head. "My boys. My perfect boys." The three of us sat on the grass together and Corey and I just watched our little one. Soon enough the others began to arrive. Kara and Kevin were first and we immediately traded babies to give our nephews cuddles. "Hey Emerson. I've missed you monkey." I smiled and cuddled him and then gave him to Corey. Kara and Kevin played with Elliott getting little giggles out of him. I smiled and Laura, Nate, Ben, Elouise, Andrew, Jeremy and Ashley then arrived.

"It's been so long." Ashley said hugging me tightly. "I still haven't met your little prince."

"I know. Things have been super busy. But here he is." I went and picked him up from lying on the blanket and went back to Ashley and Jeremy. "I love him so much. And he's getting so big already."

"He really is. I can see so much of both you and Corey in him. He definitely has Corey's dark hair, at least for now. And your soft brown eyes. He is the cutest little one. As is Emerson. You girls created the cutest babies."

"Thanks Ash." Kara said walking over with Emerson in her arms. "These two little boys are going to grow up best buddy's."

"They sure are I smiled. Our perfect boys." I let Ashley hold Elliott while I went in the kitchen with Laura and started preparing some food.

"So what's it like being a mom? Now that it's been a month and a bit."

"Magical. But exhausting. He's getting better at sleeping so he's only waking up every two hours rather than every hour. But it's hard. I'm glad neither of us are in a show at the moment so we both can sleep during the day to catch up. And yes it's tiring but I get to love and look after this small kid that I created with Cor. He's my son, and that is the most special thing ever."

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now