Date night

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"Happy birthday Corey." I said as I woke up beside him. He was already awake and I just cuddled myself into him.

"Thanks love. And I'm so lucky to be spending my 5th birthday with you by my side."

"You're welcome Cor. I'll go get Elliott. I know he's gunna want to wish his daddy a happy birthday." I got up and went to the nursery where Elliott was playing in his crib. "Hey buddy. You wanna wish daddy a happy birthday." I said picking him up. He giggled and I kissed his cheek before changing and putting him in an outfit for the day. "My handsome boy." I then picked up Corey's birthday present and had Elliott hold it carefully as I carried him back to Corey. "Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to daddy. Happy birthday to you." I sang and we walked in and sat on the bed. Elliott immediately put the present down and just climbed into Corey's lap for a cuddle.

"This is the best present. Getting to be with my little buddy, and his beautiful mommy on my birthday." I smiled and Elliott looked up at Corey and gave him little kisses. "Thank you Elliott." Corey smiled. "Is this my birthday present?" He said picking up what Elliott had just dumped on the bed. Elliott nodded his head. "Still a quiet little boy then." Corey smiled. He then opened his gift. It was a travel coffee mug that had Elliott's hand prints on it. "Oh my gosh. This is amazing. Thank you Elliott." Corey said giving Elliott a kiss. "Thank you as well Katie. I love it."

"You're welcome. I have some other things for you. One of which isn't physical. It's on my phone."

"Oohh. Let me guess. Is it a new song you wrote?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I said leaning against him.

"You've been writing in your song ideas notebook again a lot recently."

"Yeah. I guess I have. I could play it to you now?"

"Yes please." I played the song and Corey teared up a little. It was about all the things I loved about him and about our family. As I sang about Elliott, Corey tickled him a little.

"I love it Katie. It's beautiful. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. I know it's not much, and again, your gift from me that's downstairs isn't much, but you know, we need to save, especially now Elliott is getting older."

"I know love. As I said, all I wanted was to spend today with my family."

"I know baby, but you still deserve presents."

"And the greatest present is you and Elliott. I know you've already got me something, and I know I'll love it. But please hun, don't worry about it not being much. Because I have you." Before I could talk back again he pulled me into a soft and loving kiss and I couldn't help but kiss him back. "I love you Katie."

"I love you too Corey." I pulled back and Elliott began crawling away to the edge of the bed, I quickly picked him up and kissed his belly. "Hey monkey, we don't crawl on the bed remember. We don't want you falling off and getting hurt." I ruffled his hair a little and set him back in my lap. He giggled and I held him close. "My cheeky little boy." We cuddled as a family for a bit longer before I went downstairs with Elliott to go make breakfast. Once done, I got out Corey's present and sat at the table with it in my hand. I'd told him I'd gotten him something small, and while it was small, it wasn't cheap, but it was something he needed. A new phone. His current one was constantly crashing, losing power so fast and just wasn't functional anymore. I was scared though because he said he didn't want anything and that having Elliott and I with him was all he wanted. Soon Corey came down and I just stared at the box and placed it where he usually sat.

"I'm guessing this this my present." He said sitting down.

"Yeah. But let's eat first." I said softly. He nodded and we both ate our breakfasts. And I slowly fed Elliott at the same time. Once we were done, I smiled. "Okay, you can open it. But something you should know before you do, is that it isn't just from me. Kara, Kevin, Casey, Carly, Laura, Nate, Ben and Elouise all chipped in as their birthday presents for you to help me afford it."

My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now