Wicked 2.0

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I came home from work and immediately went and hugged Elliott and then Corey as I always did. "Hey love." I said kissing him softly.

"Hey. You need to call your agent. He tried to call you a couple of times but I assumed your phone was off or in the staff room. So he called the home phone and asked to speak with you."

"Sure. Do you know what it's about?"

"No, he didn't say anything, but seemed unsure when I had said you were working at target."

"Alright. I'll go give him a call." I sat on the couch and Elliott cuddled me as he watched some TV while Corey started on dinner. Theo jumped up and half laid on my lap. I stroked him a little and then I got my phone out and called my agent. "Hey Ollie. Sorry I couldn't pick up earlier."

"It's no problem Katie. How's Elliott doing?"

"He's good, grown up so much. Crazy kid loves to run around left, right and centre. But he's relaxed, watching TV right now. How can I help you?"

"Well I had a call from the team at wicked today, and now bandstand has closed they were wondering if you wanted to return to finish off your 1 year contract, and possibly extend it if you'd like."

"Oh my gosh. That's great. I'll have to talk to Corey about it, and talk to my boss at target. We were struggling financially a little and so I've been working a day job while Corey's been in bandstand. We didn't ever get time together so I dunno how I feel suddenly leaving him in the evenings again. Can I talk to him, and my boss tomorrow and then call you back tomorrow night?"

"Of course. This is a big decision and I did tell them it would probably be a day or two before I got a definite response."

"Okay. Thanks so much Ollie. This is amazing and I'll call tomorrow."

"Talk to you then, have a good evening. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and lifted Elliott onto my leg that Theo wasn't on.

"Who that?" He said pointing at the phone.

"That was my agent. The team at Wicked want me to return to the show on Broadway, like I did when you were first born." Corey walked in once dinner was in the oven.

"Did I hear that right? You're returning to Wicked." He came lifted theo and sat beside me and I leant against him, Theo being placed in Corey's lap.

"I dunno. They want me to return. And I'd love to go back. But we just got our lives back to getting to be together and I don't know if I want to put that behind us again."

"I understand. But you won't be working the day job. I've already got my start on the vocal coaching during the day, so I'm making money too still. You may as well go back, earn more, follow your dreams."

"I guess you're right. I'm gunna miss being here for this kiddo's bed time though."

"Yeah. I understand exactly how you feel. But you'll be with him all day, and you get two nights a week with him. And I know you've already done Wicked, but this show is your dream. And depending on how long you stay. I'd love to be able to take Elliott possibly."

"I'd love for him to see me onstage. But also I feel like I'd want to try for another kid before he's old enough."

"Yeah. But we can discuss kids another day. But I really think you should take it Katie. You may not get the opportunity again."

"You're right. I'll do it. I just have to talk to my boss and either quit, or possibly reduce my hours to just mornings maybe except nothing on Wednesday or Saturday."

"You'll figure it out, and I'll be right here supporting you. Just don't work yourself too hard love. I know you will be getting up early anyway because of Elliott but working in target all morning and then going to rehearsals potentially and then a show, you'll over work yourself and you also need time with Elliott and I."

"I know babe. I won't over do it. The end of college, finals, assessments, rehearsals and shows, going to Newsies occasionally, working a part time job, and balancing a long distance relationship was so much. And I know all this would be a different type of overworking, but I know if I struggle and if it is too much, then I'll leave Target."

"Okay." He said smiling and kissing me softly on the lips. I kissed him back as his hand cupped my cheek and I smiled against his lips. "I love you Katie and I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks love. I'm proud of you too." I kissed him again and then Elliott's show ended and dinner was ready. I took him to the sink and helped him was his little hands and then I washed mine. I sat him in his chair and Corey handed him his plate with his dinner on it. He was clearly hungry as he grabbed the spoon and started to eat his dinner. "Don't eat too fast buddy. Slow down." I started eating. "Oh babe. This is amazing. I often forget how much of an incredible cook you are. I'm the luckiest to have married you."

"And I'm the luckiest to have married you. And I will never go a day without being grateful for having you in my life katie. You make my life so much better. From having the most amazing wife, to bring a parent beside you for our incredible little boy." He ruffled Elliott's hair and the kid giggled. I chuckled too and then we all continued to eat.

"Mama. I done." Elliott said once he was finished. I went and got him a few grapes and he began eating them. By which point Corey and I were done too. Corey cleared up and I scooped Elliott into my arms and he giggled. "Love mama."

"I love you too buddy." I gave him a little kiss and we went to go play upstairs and get him ready for bed. Elliott ran straight to his collection of plush trucks and got three out. He gave one to me and put one on the floor.

"Dada come?"

"Yes. Daddy will be up soon." Soon enough Corey came in and Elliott stood up and ran over to him. Corey lifted him into his arms and tickled him lightly as Elliott squirmed and laughed.

"Dada! Twucks!" He said pointing at the truck he'd gotten out for Corey.

"Okay then buddy." We sat playing together for half an hour before we changed Elliott and did his night time routine. Once he was in his crib I sat beside it and smiled as he cuddled up. Today he'd chosen his teddy from Laura to cuddle.

"Ba Ba mama. Ba Ba dada." He said waving before cuddling up under the blankets.

"Bye sweetheart. I love you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Elliott. See you in the morning." Corey smiled. We sang a Lullaby as usual and he fell asleep. Corey and I ended up sitting cuddled in his room in silence for a while just watching him sleep. He was so precious and I loved watching my son. We eventually got up and went to cuddle in our own room, watching TV. I rested my head on Corey's chest and smiled as I just laid in his arms watching TV.

"I know it's been a few days already, but man I really missed this. Being with you in the evenings has been so special. And I know we will lose that once more once I start at Wicked again."

"Yeah. But at least we will have each other during the day a lot more."

"Yeah. And you're better at staying up later anyway so I'm sure you'll end up staying up for me most nights. You certainly did last time."

"And I'll do the same this time. I know how much safer you feel when you get to fall asleep in my arms. And I know that was one of the real struggles when I was in bandstand. Was your want to fall asleep but also the need to stay up so I could be there to hold you."

"Yeah. I do. I feel safe when I'm in your arms Cor. But I know that can't always happen. But I know you're there. And that you'll be home as soon as possible." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I smiled. I closed my eyes as I cuddled up to him and ended up falling asleep in his warm, loving arms, feeling safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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My Best Friend's Onstage Boyfriend  (Sequel to 'My Sister's Onstage Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now