Splashes of red >> Tony x reader

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A/N: WARNING this story is nothing like my other ones. This one contains murder, suicide and filled with angst. You have been warned.

Blood coated your body like a poorly applied paint as you silently crept along the rooftop of your apartment building.  A red butcher knife, that was silver until you got a hold of it, was clutched in your right hand while your left hand adorned a glove. It was no ordinary glove though; you had very easily accessorized the black leather with nails, glass, and any other sharp object you could find. You left eye twitched as you stepped dangerously close to the edge of the roof. You peeked over the side of the small railing before looking back behind you. The pale moonlight cast gentle beams down to illuminate the harsh splashes of red that followed you. You worked your jaw while you silently thought back at what had driven you to your breaking point.

    You had actually loved life at one point. You were always smiling, always laughing and always with your boyfriend. That last one was the mistake that brought your whole world tumbling down. Tony Stark had stolen your heart with his funny quips, smarts and the gentle soul that was hidden away beneath his cocky attitude. You had fallen deeper and harder for Tony than any other man you had even met.

    The day Tony had finally asked you out was the happiest day of your life. When you finally went home to your apartment that you shared with your best friend at the time you were full of smiles and giggles. With all the gushing you did to your roommate you had unknowingly started a Tony crush within the girl. In fact she hid it from you so well that you never even knew about it until the fateful morning you found the two of them in his bed. That was the day you snapped.

      Every relationship you had ever had always ended up with him cheating on you. It was a vicious cycle that you wanted out of. So you did the one thing a person shouldn’t do when homicidal, you drank, and drank, and drank some more. You were so full of beer and vodka you were barely able to tell the taxi driver your address, but once you were home the thoughts began to fester. You couldn’t think straight but there was one thought that swirled around your brain so much you couldn’t help but notice it. Kill the slut that slept with your boyfriend.

      You had actually waited up for her with an old baseball bat, but unsurprisingly she didn’t show. The next night, after you were completely over your hangover, you decided that killing her was an opportunity you couldn’t pass up, so you started on the cold hearted preparations. The task was easy, just lie in wait with something deadly and surprise her. It took three hours of hiding behind the door but eventually she came. With a war-like screech you threw yourself at her. The knife in your right hand dove deep into her body repeatedly as your tore at her face with your modified glove.

     You knew people would hear the screams, you knew people would call the cops, but you just didn’t care. However, you couldn’t go to prison either. Suicide seemed like the perfect solution you’d die happy and Tony could wallow in guilt; if he was even capable of that emotion.

     You hardened your resolve and put your focus back on the task at hand with a quick shake of your head and hastily climbed unto the railing once the sound of sirens pierced the air. You let out a sigh, but unlike most sighs this one held a sense of relief. A lazily smile was plastered on your face and you eyelids would barely stay open as you waited for the tell-tale sign of police cars to arrive. A laugh bubbled from your lips as the police skidded to a stop in front of the building. Large gusts of wind blew at your back and so you relaxed your muscles and let the wind take you away from the ledge.  

      The wind of your fall began to burn your open eyes and so mid-air you twisted your body so that you could stare up at the stars.  The glistened and twinkled above you and you couldn’t help but hate their happiness, yet at the same time you envied it.  It didn’t matter now though, you were destined to die and nothing would stop it from happening.  Not if you could help it.

    Your eyes widened as a red and gold suit flew towards you and effortlessly caught you half way down your decent. Anger swelled in your chest after he bluntly did as you had directed him not too. Your eyes narrowed and a slow smile crept unto your face as you discreetly pulled your blood stained knife beneath your shirt and pushed down on it. Your face contorted in pain and your mouth flew open as you let out an animalistic howl of pain. You let the pain wash over you as you pushed the large knife into your body as far as it could go.

“You’re too late Tony.” You smirked at your ex-lover as black pushed at the edges of your vision. Your laughter slowly faded away as your heart stilled forever. Tony clutched you lifeless body to him and kissed your forehead before allowing the EMT to take your corpse away.

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