Gossip >> Tony x reader

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“I am going to kill her.” Natasha declared as she stormed down the hallway.

“Kill who and why?” Tony questioned –forever the snoop- as he trailed after his teammate.

“(Y/n) she never told me she got engaged.”

      Tony chocked on his alcohol and his glass fell to the floor and shattered at his feet. Natasha kept walking but a discreet smile tugged on the corner of her lips and a gleam took up residence in her eyes.

“Who’s she marrying?” Tony asked as nonchalantly as a person whose crush was engaged to someone else could.

“Dunno, Pepper didn’t say. All I know is the rock is huge.”

    The words were barely out her mouth when Pepper joined them. She stepped in time with Natasha and Tony was pushed to third wheel, a very nosy third wheel.

“Have you found out who she’s marrying?” Natasha inquired. Pepper shook her head mournfully and adopted a thoughtful expression.

“You know it could be Thor. They’ve been getting closer the last couple of months.”

     Natasha shrugged her left shoulder and the two friends silently pondered over your unknown fiancé as they made their way down the hall. Tony seriously hoped it wasn’t Thor, because there was no way he could compete with a prince from another realm. It did make a lot of sense though, you and Thor were inseparable of late, always laughing together, always whispering together. While the girls began to run their mouths again Tony broke away.

“JARVIS where is (y/n)?”

“The library, sir.”

       Tony took off in a sprint towards the elevators, momentarily forgetting his cool and classy behavior. Once the elevator began to ascend through the shaft he let his mind roll on how to get you un-engaged. No, not un-engaged re-engaged. The doors slid open with a ding and Tony rushed out.

“(Y/n)!”  Tony shouted dramatically as he flung the library double doors open. You jumped about a foot in the air and when you landed it wasn’t on the fluffy red chair you had previously been sitting on, nope it was Tony’s lap.

“You can’t marry Thor.” He demanded while he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you as close as he could.


“You can’t marry Thor.”

“I’m not marrying Thor.” You stated, but with the confusion in your voice it sounded more like a question to Tony.

“Nope, you’re marrying me.” Tony smiled smugly before burying his face into your neck.

“What the heck are you on Tony? I’m not marrying anybody.”

      Tony instantly brought his face up to be level with yours. This time confusion was on his face.

“Natasha said you were getting married. So I came to steal the bride.”

       A small giggled escaped your throat and you had to burry your face in your hands to help muffle the sound.

“Oops, I must’ve heard wrong.” Natasha smirked from the doorway with Pepper standing right beside her. Both women gave a chuckle as they exited the room and let the door swing close behind them.

“So how come I’m not allowed to marry Thor?”

“Have you gone deaf? I already said because you’re marrying me.” Tony spoke slowly, as if to a child.

“Sorry, I have a date for at least a year policy.”

“Fine a year from now, but I’m going to go ahead and buy an engagement ring.” Tony settled while standing up from the seat with your cradled in his arms.

“I just love how you took my sentence to mean yes.”

“I love you too.”

Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now