Beautiful to me Steve x chubby reader

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    A large growl erupted from you throat as you gave the punching bag one more punch. The last of your anger was put into your swing and with that gone depression hit you once more. A tear slid down your cheek and your chest heaved as you dropped to your knees and sat back unto your legs. With a shaky hand you pulled the rejection form from your pocket. Tears clouded your vision but you could still plainly see the red markings that made up hurtful sentences on your application. You would’ve been fine with not getting the position had it not been for the cruel word that slapped you in the face as you glanced over the reasons you were denied. ‘Overweight’, the distasteful word sat right next to your relatively high numbered weight.

“I am not overweight.” You hissed before shredding the paper into confetti. It was true you technically weren’t, but your weight was a little on the higher end of what was considered healthy. Honestly you didn’t see where you weight was that big of a deal, so you were fluffy but you were still able to kick butt.

“What’s the use I’ll never be more than a pencil pusher.” You declared dejectedly as you stared at what remained of your fifth rejection.

“(Y/n) how did the assessment go?” Steve’s voice broke through you self-loathing and you hastily wiped away your tears before answering.

“Didn’t get in.” You shrugged your shoulder nonchalantly before you stood up and turned to face our long-time crush.

“Maybe it’s for the best.” He whispered and if it wasn’t for your awesome lip reading skills you probably wouldn’t have caught it, but you did and it was the last straw.

“Why so I don’t drag everybody else down, or make S.H.E.I.L.D into a laughing stock because they have a fat girl as an agent or better yet get myself or my team mate killed because I wouldn’t be able to handle an enemy!” You shouted only a few of the hurtful things that you were told every time you mentioned becoming an agent. Tears rolled freely down your flushed face as you clenched and unclenched your fists. Steve stared at you with an open mouth as you paced the floor in your anger.

“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant at all.” Steve tried to erase the pain he unknowingly inflicted, however you didn’t hear him over all the past insults your brain had decided to dig up and throw at you. You quit pacing as the tears and heartache built up, your once silent crying quickly changed as you began to choke on sobs.

“(Y/n) I am so sorry.” Steve whole-heartedly apologized as he rushed forward and embraced you from behind. You twisted in his arms and buried your face into his chest. Steve rubbed his hand up and down your back as he tried not to focus on your curves that were currently pressed against him.

“Being a field agent is dangerous; I just don’t want to lose you like Peggy.” He spoke into your hair as he tightened his grip on you.

“What?” You sniffed as you stared up at him through puffy (e/c) eyes.

“I-I like you a lot, “Steve stuttered as red crept into his cheeks.

“Really, even though I’m-“

“You’re beautiful.” Steve finished before you could cut yourself down. A real smile lite up your face that matched Steve’s before both your expressions slid into a more serious look. In one bold movement Steve dipped his head forward and captured your lips.

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