Forbiden >> Loki x reader

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Takes place in ancient Rome but to make it easy to understand the talking will be modern-ish.       

There was a large smile on your face as you walked through the town square with your family.  Your father had commented on your cheery mood earlier, but you hadn’t dared to tell him the real reason for your happiness.  You were in love and although it was the most wonderful feeling in the world it scared you.  It wasn’t the emotion itself that scared you but the consequences of it. Marriage was banned for all men of fighting age and your parents were already talking about who they should marry you off too.

“Father, may I go to the river with Clint?” You asked sweetly while hoping that your father would allow your brother to be your only chaperone.  He was the only one you trusted with your secret because he  too was in love. Once your father nodded his head you mumbled a thank you and hastily pulled your older brother away from blacksmith shop.  

“Come on I don’t have long before I have to get to the river.” You stated after he tried to resist your tugging. Understanding flashed in his eyes and with a knowing grin he hurried along with you.  With the fast pace it didn’t take long before the two of you to reach the spot you had agreed to meet your lover at.

“I’m going to stay with you until he comes.” Clint declared as he sat down on a large stone in the middle of the clearing.  With a small sigh you sat next to him and watched the only pathway to the clearing for Loki to arrive. The two of you sat in silence with only the sound of fast flowing water and the gentle breeze that shook the trees.  You were beginning to lose hope when the faint sound of crunching leaves reached your ears and not long after the sound began did your secret lover step out where you could see him.  Clint nodded to him before standing up and disappearing down the walkway to stand guard. The moment his was gone you practically flew into Loki’s awaiting arms.

“I have missed you so much; I thought my heart couldn’t bear it.” You cried in-between the kisses that you peppered his face with.

“And I have so badly longed to have you in my arms.” He replied as he planted just as affectionate kisses along your jaw. It took a lot of willpower but he was finally able to pull away from your addicting kisses and gently escorted you to the rock you had previously been sitting on. He sat first then softly pulled you unto your lap earning him a light giggle from you.

“I have found a way for us to get married.” He declared while he played with your long and soft (hair color) locks. Confusion flashed across your features as his words sunk in. You knew it was impossible to get married because of the emperor’s decree.  You still didn’t understand how an unmarried man would fight better than a married one. If anything you believed the married man would fight harder to keep Rome safe for his family, but you were just a woman whose opinions meant nothing.

“But how, young men are forbidden from marriage?” You questioned as you tried your hardest to not get distracted by the lovely sound of his heartbeat.

“There is a man by the name of St. Valentine. I am told he marries people like us.” He stated before he gazed down at you. You lifted your hope and love filled (eye color) orbs to his own love, with a touch of lust, filled green eyes. The two of you only held eye contact for a few precious seconds before your lips leapt together in a fury of passion.

“We have to go.” Clint’s voice interrupted your bliss and so with a heart wrenching sigh you reluctantly detangled your arms from around Loki’s neck.

“Meet me here tomorrow night after everyone has gone to sleep.” Loki whispered into your ear right before you were fully de-attached from him. You gave a smiled a yes and gave him a chaste kiss before you hurried off with your brother.

~Time skip to that night around eleven pm~

“Loki.” You whispered loudly as you quietly crept to the bolder that sat in the center of your special place. When there was no answer you figured you were early and so you once again sat on the rock. Shivers ran down your spine as yet another cold wind hit you as you entered an hour and a half of waiting. Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes as you came to the only conclusion to his taking so long. He was playing a cruel trick on you.

     Loki was known for his smooth talking and petty pranks and although you had never personally heard of him playing a joke this cruel you were sure there was probably a few girls out there that he had played. There was a nagging doubt in the back of your mind though; after all the both of you could get in big trouble if your meetings were found out. You let out a large sigh and slowly pushed yourself off the stone. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you took off back down the moonlit pathway.

“(Name) what’s wrong?” A voice called out to you in a tone that you immediately recognized as Loki’s. You were blinded by the tears flowing from your eyes so it took you by surprise when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.

“Are you hurt? Was it a male? Did he take your maidenhead? I’ll kill him!” The words spilled out of Loki’s mouth in a rush and all you could do was shake your head no as you tried to regain even breathing and wipe the tears away. Your efforts were stopped though when you were roughly pulled into his chest. He pressed his lips to the top of your head while he gently rubbed circles on your back.

“I am sorry (name). I didn’t mean for it to take me so long. Did you get scared?”

     You sniffled as you nodded your head. Mentally you were kicking yourself for ever doubting that Loki loved you. You repositioned your head so that your ear was over his heart, a heart that was yours and yours alone. You smiled up at him as he took your arm and began to lead you to only him and St. Valentine knew. Tears once again sprung from your eyes but this time of happiness because you knew that even if you were caught you’d gladly die for the wonderful emotion called love and the man that had helped it grow.

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