Clumsy >> Bruce x reader

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If there was one thing you hated more than anything else in the world it was being called clumsy. Not because it was un-true, but rather because it was one hundred percent correct. You tripped over anything and everything your feet came across. It was a fact that you found extremely humiliating and Tony –being the man that he is- used every chance he got to poke fun at your inability to walk. Naturally you couldn’t do anything about it because he just had to be your boss, and you desperately needed the job.

“Ah (name) there you are. We need our coffee fix.” Tony stated mere seconds after you stepped into the lab, “And don’t spill it.”

        Your lips contorted into a mix between a grimace and a scowl before you twisted on your heel and stalked from the room. The moment the door shut behind you Bruce turned towards his friend and lab buddy.

“Do you have to tease her like that?”

“No, but I want to.” Tony grinned to himself as he tinkered with the glove of his Ironman suit. Bruce rolled his eyes but let it drop lest the other guy get annoyed at the billionaire. So he returned his focus on the piles of work Fury had sent him. The two worked in peaceful silence that is until you stumbled through the door.

“Grab the coffee!” You shouted as you struggled to walk.  

“(Name) why can’t you-“ Tony cut off once he actually raised his head and caught sight of the very large box you were carrying. Two drink holders –each one holding four coffee’s for each man- was in danger of falling from their perch on the metal box. You knees began to buckle under the enormous weight that was the scientists’ next assignment.  Both men rushed forward, but their targets were considerably different. Tony hastily snatched up all the coffee whereas Bruce grabbed your luggage.

“Thanks.” You gave your bosses a large smile before you leaned down to not only rub your aching knees but also stretch your back.

“Why were you carrying this?” Bruce asked as he lifted the metal container to you, just in case you somehow forgotten that you had just lugged the heavy thing from a floor down.

“Some agent gave it to me to give to you.”

“But it’s too heavy for you, you could have hurt yourself.” Bruce reprimanded as he gave you a once over with worry filled eyes, in search on injuries of course. A blush filled your cheeks as you felt his eyes swept over you and you slowly straightened up.

“Apparently it was too heavy for him too.” You tried to joke through your nervousness but it made you sound creepy instead. Naturally, Tony picked up on it and gave you and incredulous look before shaking his head and went back to his drink. Meanwhile, Bruce seemed to have given you a clean bill of physical health. He finally stopped staring at you –which was both a relief and disappointment- and you were able to continue with your job. Until you fell flat on your face and banged your knee.

“How do you trip on air?” Tony exclaimed as he glanced down at you from his chair. You ignored him as usual and pushed yourself up with your hands. Bruce hesitated in his attempt to help you up until he noticed your eyes widen.

“What’s wrong?” He inquired while he stepped beside your.

“I can’t extend my left leg. My knee is killing me.”

    He nodded his understanding and swiftly picked you up and set you on the edge of the table. Red began to creep up his neck as he rolled up your pants leg until it exposed your red and already swollen knee. You visibly winced and took in a sharp breath through your nose as he carefully felt around your knee.  

“I don’t think it’s broken, but you should go to your room and put some ice on it.” He stated as he helped you leap off the table. You landed on you right leg and wobbled, but thankfully Bruce was there to steady you. He quietly wrapped his arm around your waist and once again picked you up bridal style. You froze nearly instantly as you noticed him head out the lab with you in his arms.

“Thank you.” You told his as he softly placed you on your couch.

“It’s okay.” He replied to you, although it was slightly muffled seeing as he was in the kitchen retrieving an ice pack. He quickly returned and set the sweet cold relief on your throbbing joint. You gave him a thankful smile for the second time in under thirty minutes and silently waited for him to go back to his job. Oddly he sat down beside you.

“How do you trip over air?”

“I don’t. My ankles are semi-weak from where I broke them when I was little. So sometimes they buckle on me occasionally.” You shrugged your shoulders and sent him a ‘what can you do’ look before turning your focus to your lap.

“Do you need to get back to the lab?” You asked tentatively, not wanting him to feel as if you were pushing him away.

“How can I work when you’re hurt?”

     A blush appeared on both your faces and a crooked smile curled on your lips. To anybody else that sentence would’ve merely been a caffeine addicted boss saying that he couldn’t work with his coffe getter, but for the two for you it was him worrying about you. You threw caution to the wind and let your head slide to his shoulder. You held your breath until you felt him lean his head into yours..

“Want to watch a movie?”


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