Prom| Teen Loki x teen reader

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Music flowed through the air at a fast pace as you stood in a dark corner and sipped your drink. Your golden high heel clad foot tapped along to the beat as your (e/c) eyes scanned the large crowd. Normally you avoided proms like the plague, but this prom was special. It was senior year, and all prom kings and queens were seniors. Not that it excited you at all, but your best friend and crush had been dreaming about becoming prom king most of his life and so you toughened up and bought a ticket.

"Having fun (y/n)?" Loki asked as he sidled up beside you.

"Words cannot describe how much fun I'm having." You deadpanned before chugging the rest of your drink.

"As soon as I get voted king we can leave. I'll even buy you dinner for being such a good sport." He bribed trying to fool you into thinking that voting took place sooner than at pretty much the end of the night.

"Fine, do you know where Sam is?" You asked seemingly out of nowhere. Loki blinked in surprise but then pointed to the other side of the room.

"Thanks." You gave him a large smile before hurrying towards the boy that owed you a large favor.

"Hiya Sam let's talk." You stated while you grabbed his upper arm and lead him out of the gym. Once you were sure nobody in the gym could hear your conversation you let go of him and whipped around to face him.

"Hi, (y/n) you look nice." Sam complimented as he took in how your simple black dress hugged your frame.

"You're in charge of the votes for prom king and queen right?" You questioned completely ignoring his flattery. He nodded once with confusion on his face and so you continued, "Well you still owe me for taking the fall for you painting the lockers green. So I want you to make sure Loki wins prom king. Got it?"

"B-but... I mean.... I just... oh alright." He finally relented and having completed your job you strolled back into the gym to finish attending the stupid dance. You couldn't see Loki anywhere so you decided to march back to your secluded corner, but not before grabbing a chair, a plate of food and another drink. You had grown rather bored and you still hadn't spotted Loki anywhere. No matter how big of a crush you had on him there were still times you just wanted to punch him in the face. To make matters worse when you looked at your watch it said the night was barely half-way over.

"Stop the DJ please." Mr. Macklin your evil history teacher demanded on stage and soon enough the crappy pop song that was playing screeched to a halt.

"Thank you. Now we are going to do something different this year for prom king and queen. Normally we wait till the end of the night but seeing as how all the votes are in already I'm going to go ahead and announce the winners." Mr. Macklin's dreary voice announced and for once in your life you actually wanted to hug the man, or at least pay more attention in class.

"The winner of prom king is... Loki Laufeyson," Mr. Macklin waited until the claps died down before he continued, "And his lovely queen is (Full name)!"

You stiffened as he called out your name. There was no way you should have won; which was apparent by how the popular girls were glaring at you. Never-the-less you stood up on shaky legs and began to creep forward. You made it to the edge of the stage before your horrid history teacher decided you were taking too long and practically yanked unto the platform.

"Your prom king and queen everybody!" He declared once more before he left the stage altogether. You still stood in shock as Loki laced his fingers through yours and pulled you from the stage and unto the dance floor.

"I know I said as soon as but we're supposed dance at least one song together." Loki smiled down at you and you gave one right back. The music started back up again and he pulled you to him before wrapping his arms around you.

"I know you rigged it for me." He whispered in your ear once the two of you began to slow dance.

"What how?" You asked having come back to reality.

"Heard you talking to Sam, so you know what I did?" Loki's grin nearly doubled in size and without even letting you guess he kept talking, "I rigged it for you."

The song ended and so you parted from Loki until he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and ushered you toward the door.

"So we've both got our crowns and I believe I promised you dinner." He stated with his smile still on his face, "But first I have to do this."

You turned to look at him but just as you did his mouth came down on yours and his hand moved up to cup your jaw. It seemed to only last a second before his lips left your and he rested his forehead on yours.

"(Y/n) I think I love you." He declared while he fiddled with a piece of your hair.

"Well, I think I love you too." You smiled brightly before reaching up and bringing his head down so you two could kiss again.

A/N: Decided to shamelessly advertise my new book here. It's called Fandom Imagines and it's just going to be a collection of various reader inserts. So check it out if you'd like and request if you want to.

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