Dibs >> Tony x reader x Bruce

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“Hey, did you hear we’re getting a sexy intern lady friend?” Was Tony’s greeting as he burst through the lab doors. He was met with a steel glare from his science bro , that went unnoticed, and a feminine giggle. His eyes scanned the room until he found the female body that belonged to the sound.

“I’m Tony and you are?” Tony questioned with his best ‘I’m sexy and you want me’ smirk placed on his lips. You hopped off the table you had previously taken up residence on as you stuck your hand out to shake his.

“(Y/n), the intern.” You grinned while your (e/c) eyes cut to Bruce’s face then back to Tony’s.

“File these.” Bruce gruffly demanded, simultaneously shoving some papers into your hand and breaking the other one from Tony’s grip.

“Course.” You smirked at the fluffy haired scientist before sauntering  over to the filing cabinet.

“Dibs.” Tony declared shortly after you were out of hearing range. If his eyes weren’t completely glued to your backside he might’ve noticed the green tint in Bruce’s eyes.

“You can’t call dibs on her.”

“Why not? Don’t tell me you’ve claimed her,” Tony’s smirk deepened as he continued, “She looks flexible.”

“Tony, shut up.” Bruce growled at the man he usually called friend, but at that innuendo all friendship was temporarily tossed away. Even the other guy wanted to rip Tony’s arms off, and Tony was his best friend.

“Why so possessive? Do you know her from anywhere else?” Tony asked the tense man in front of him before his eyes found you for a brief second, “She the girl from Harlem?”

“Uh- yeah she is part of the reason I broke Harlem, but she’s-“

“How long have you two been dating?” Tony cut Bruce off while you sneaked up on the two of them like a majestic ninja.

“Amazing, he’s supposed to be a genius and he can’t even tell siblings apart.” You broke in, causing Tony to jump.

“What?” Tony’s eyes flicked back and forth between you and Bruce with a baffled expression on his face.

“Yep, back in Harlem some guy took some unwanted advances and my protective older brother over there taught him a lesson Shrek style. I think the guy is dead now.”

“Bruce, I take back my dibs.”

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