I will wait for you >> Loki x possessed reader

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    The bed you were currently was plush and the warm dark green covers enveloped you like a hug, but those weren't the reason why you detested the prospect of leaving your bed. The real reason currently had his right arm wrapped around your back; simultaneously pressing you firmly into his side. A lazy smile settled on your face once you began to run your fingers over his bare chest. Your eyes were closed in contentment so you never even noticed Loki's free hand move closer to your chest roaming hand until his slender fingers encircled your wrist.  Your eyes popped open just in time to see a predatorily type grin flicker on his mouth before he flipped the two of you over.

"You're heavy." You complained with a grin.

"And you're rude; therefore, you must be punished." Loki breathed into the crook of your neck. You couldn't help the excited giggle that bubbled up, but Loki decided to cut it short; with his mouth. Your fingers had just begun to tangle themselves in Loki's amazingly soft locks when the door was pounded upon.

"Sir, everything is now ready for your departure!" One of the possessed S.H.I.E.L.D agents barked from the outside of your king's bedroom.

"I'll be right out!" Loki yelled back before flicking his eyes over your now pouting lips. With another grin he leaned down and took your bottom lips between his teeth.

"Can I come?" You asked the moment his lips left yours. Loki huffed out a frustrated groan while he moved off of you. You sat up and leaned back on your hands as you eagerly awaited his answer.


     You let out your own frustrated sigh as you let your arms give and flopped back unto the bed. Loki, now fully dressed, stepped to the edge of the bed and motioned for you to get up. With a slight roll of your eyes you practically jumped from the bed with a huge smile plastered on your face. A small chuckle forced its way out of Loki's mouth before he placed a chaste kiss to your forehead. An uneasy look passed over his face right before he pulled you to him and wrapped his arms tightly around you.

"I'll be back for you soon. Don't go anywhere alright." Loki's voice was slightly muffled, seeing as his face was practically buried in your hair.

"I will wait for your return, my king." You promised as you gave him one last heart-felt hug. You both pulled away at the same time and Loki walked from the room without another hitch. That was the last time you ever saw your king again.  But even when the last of his allies left you remained. Your blue eyes ever vigilant as you watched over your home; patiently awaiting the return of your captured king.

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