Air Vents Clint x reader

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AKA Five times you met Clint in the air vents and one time you didn’t

1 When you first moved into the tower

   It was hard to believe it had been almost a week since your cousin Tony called to invite you to stay at his tower. It was even harder to believe that it also housed the Avengers for the time being.  Of course you had only met Bruce and Steve, seeing as Thor was back in Asgard and everyone’s favorite assassins were on a mission.  

“I wonder why Tony made this air vents so large.” You mused aloud as you easily crawled through them. It was like he was asking for you to sneak into his lab and re-paint his Iron Man glittery pink and glittery purple. You were so deep in thought that you never even noticed that somebody was in front of you until they cleared your throat.

“You must be (y/n).”

“That’s me and I’m guessing that you’re Clint.” You replied smiling at him after blowing a stray piece of your (h/c) hair from your face.

“Yep, what are you doing in the vents?”  He asked with a taunting smirk placed on his lips. You wanted so badly to reach out and smack it from his face, but you knew that if you even attempted that he’d probably break your arm.

“Nothing much, what are you doing here?” You answered like it was a normality to bump into people inside vents. Clint actually raised the left side of his mouth in a small smile. Without another word he pressed himself to the side of the duct in an invitation to go past him. You gave him one last smile before squeezing by.

2 When you were hiding from Tony

“Hiding from Tony?”

“God, Clint don’t sneak up on me like that,” You reprimanded angrily, “But yes I am. Apparently JARVIS is a squealer.”

“Gee, some AI’s are just plain rude.” Clint stated with a mock serious face on.

“I know right. Besides I did Tony a favor, I made his suit look FABULOUS.” Your voice raised when you said fabulous while you did the best fabulous pose that the small space and your horizontal position would allow. Clint’s laugh mixed with yours as they bounced around in the ducts.

“So are you just going to stay in here all day?” Clint asked you once your laughter died down.

“Yep, wanna keep me company?”




“So are hawks your favorite type of bird or something?” You asked seemingly out of nowhere as your played with the bottom of your shirt.

“What?” Clint asked thoroughly confused at your strange question.

“Your codename is Hawkeye because you have good sight or whatever. But all birds have good sight, so there must have been a reason you picked hawk. I would’ve picked the eagle… or better yet vulture. Vulture-eye, that’s going to be my nickname for you.” You ended your semi-short monologue and flipped over to lay on your stomach so you could watch Clint’s reaction.


“Yes, Vulture-eye?”

“I think I just joined Tony’s side.”

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