Science >> Tony x reader x Bruce

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     It was a rare peaceful day at the Stark Tower until you brutally murdered it.

“Hiiiii guys!” You yelled out for the whole world to hear as you skipped through the lab doors. You threw your arms around your science buddies once they were in glomping range. Bruce groaned in response, but Tony hugged you back and dropped a kiss to your cheek.

“I thought you took the day off.”  Bruce commented as he turned back to his project.

“Lucky us you brought your pretty face back. No offense Bruce but she’s got you beat in the looks department.” Tony grinned at you as a blush spread across your cheeks. A small and slightly nervous giggle left your lips as you playfully slapped his arm.

“Anyway I came down here because I thought you guys could use a break.” You told them while hopping on a table. You swung your legs back and forth like a small child as you watched your two favorite people work.

“What type of break?” Tony asked suggestively as he wagged his eyebrows before winking at you.

“Pfft as if Tony.” You scoffed as your blush returned full force.

“Thanks for the thought of us, but we have too much work to do.” Bruce spoke up still hunched over the table overflowing with electronic devices. Both you and Tony pouted, but Tony did go back to work, well as close to work as he gets when he doesn’t want to.  A slow smile began to spread across your face as you discreetly pulled your IPod from your pocket and placed it on the table.

“What if we combined your work and break?” You probed Bruce while you nudged his shoulder. You seriously hoped that sounded more enticing than it did in your head. Apparently it did, because it caused Bruce to turn his head towards you.

“And how would you manage to do that?”

“SCIENCE DANCE!” You yelled at the top of your lungs while you pressed play on your IPod. Loud pop music flooded the room and you leapt from your seat and began to dance. Tony gave a laugh –although it couldn’t be heard over the music- and joined you.

“Come on Bruce!” You shouted next to his ear so he could hear you. A flash of confliction washed over his face, but he soon gave in once you added puppy dog eyes to your pout. With an inaudible sigh he stood from his seat. You let out a whoop and flung your arms around him in a brief hug before you pulled him away from the breakable things. All three of you made the best circle you could and let go, of course to add science to the dancing you all wore your lab coats and thought science-y thing. Like if you could turn the tesseract into a makeshift disco ball.




“What are you doing?” Steve hollered from the doorway of the lab as he watched you fall on your butt. With a giggle you paused the music and turned to face him.

“We’re having a science dance.” You hiccupped after downing the rest of your beer. Silently you held the empty glass out and Tony poured in some more.

“Aren’t you supposed to be doing science, not drinking?” Steve reprimanded as he strolled into the room. Bruce grinned lazily as he nursed his beer and Tony started chugging it from the bottle.

“I’ve only had um… I lost count after five.” Bruce stated before he began to tinker with some tools he had laying around.

“Besides we are doing science.” You replied huffily as you too played with random tools.

“Really?” Steve gave you an ‘I don’t buy that’ look as Tony joined in with his too science buddies.

“Yep, we’re doing drunk science.” You slurred and gesture for Tony to remove your goody-goody of a teammate. Tony happily obliged and once the doors were shut and locked the three of you attempted to do the work Fury assigned the boys.

“Guys I think I messed up.” Tony cried out as he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you towards the door. On the way you snagged Bruce and the three of you had just fallen out the door and spilt out into the hallway when an explosion went off.

“What have you done?” Director Fury demanded and his scowling face was the last that you saw before blacking out.

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