Chitauri >> Loki x child reader

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This is s sequel to the chapter previous to this so you are once again a Chitauri. (Those lizard like creatures from the movie)

   It had been five years since Loki tried to take over earth and S.H.E.I.L.D still had him under lock and key.  Odin had granted him leniency as long as Loki stayed and helped to clean up the mess he made; staying out of trouble was also a requirement. That last one was the reason why you were kept a secret from everyone, least you be taken away. Yes, in the past five years you had snuck your way into Loki's heart and won the title daughter.

"Daddy." You whispered after checking to make sure there was nobody else around. Loki smiled in the direction your voice came from and with a wave of his hand your cloak of invisibility fell away. Tear stains streaked down the side of your face and your lips trembled.

"What's wrong?" Loki rushed toward you and swept you into his arms while his eyes scanned your body for injuries.

"I- I did something bad." Tears fell from your (e/c) eyes but they were quickly wiped away by the pad of Loki's thumb.

"You can tell me anything." Loki's grip tightened on you as another round of tears hit you. Loud, pounding footsteps sounded from outside Loki's room before you could speak and with another wave of his hand the world could no longer see you. He had just set you back onto the floor when the door burst open.

"Loki!" Thor's disapproving voice boomed as he led the rest of the Avengers into the small chamber.

"Yes?" Loki responded in his usual cocky manner- having only become a tad less so since his defeat. Thor's frown deepened in response.

"What did you do to the security system?" Steve questioned with a glare and arms crossed.

"What are you talking about?" But even as Loki asked that question the gears in his mind had already figured it out. His hypothesis was confirmed as he felt your small arms wrap around his leg, your silent version of 'I'm sorry'.

"Don't give us that crap. The main computer doesn't just start kick everybody off the system and lock down for no reason." Tony supplied and you clung to your dad's leg as tight as you could.

"How should I know what happened, I don't even know how to work your technology." Loki remained confident in his innocence.

"We found traces of your magic all around the computer." Bruce stated from the back of the group, he always remained near an exit when Loki was around.

"I admit I was around the thing, but I never touched it."

"He's telling the truth, but he knows who did it." Natasha spoke up and Loki mentally cursed the women and her unnatural ability to know everything.

"Brother, just tell us who is responsible." Thor pleaded while he took the steps necessary to place himself at his brother's side. Unfortunately it was the side you were occupying. Thor's knee connected with your chest and the force was just enough to not only knock you to the ground but knock the breath out of you as well. The sound of your landing echoed around the room and mixed with your whimper of pain. Loki's eyes discreetly cast a worry filled glance at the ground where you lay, but he didn't dare move to comfort you.

"Loki," Thor's voice was filled with warning, "what was that?"

"What was what?"

      You were still splayed across the floor, refusing to move in fear of making any more noise. It didn't seem to matter though, as Thor stretched out his foot and it dug into your ribs. You involuntarily let out another whimper of pain while you scooted away from your uncle. Anger flashed across Thor's features, along with the other's faces, before he bent over and groped along the floor. His large fingers touched the fabric covering your arm and his hand enclosed around your small upper arm. He yanked you up harshly and a loud yelp left your throat.

"You're hurting her!" Loki hissed while he reached for you. He let the magic covering you drop and Thor let go completely. Luckily Loki was faster than gravity and you were cradled in his arms before you could meet the ground again.

"Brother what is a Chitauri doing here?"

    Loki's lips settled into a scowl as he let his gaze roam over the beings in his room. Every Avenger but Thor was currently in a fighting stance. He clutched you closer and you buried your head into the crook of his neck.

"She's my daughter." A small, soft smile grazed his lips as he looked down at you. A broad smile stretched across Thor's mouth.

"So she is the reason for your change. What is her name?" Thor's voice rumbled as he slapped his younger brother on his back.

"(Y/n)." You answered while sneaking a glance at the man. You watched for any signs of hostility and when you found none you slowly reached for him. He received you happily and with a bone crushing hug.

"You didn't need to hide her from us."

"Hate to break up family time but we're still on lock down." Tony broke in while he stared you accusingly.

"It was an accident, honest.  The man with the arrows came out of nowhere and it frightened me. I jumped and fell on it." You defended yourself as tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

"Come on Tony, looks like it's up to us to figure it out." Bruce sighed before latching onto the other man's arm and pulling him from the room. Clint and Natasha left without a word right after them.

"Fury is going to have to know about this." Steve declared before he too walked out.

"Do not worry Loki; I will see to it that she remains here with you." Thor promised while he handed you back to your father. Loki nodded his thanks while you waved good-bye.

"At least I was able to keep you to myself for five years." He muttered to himself after he sat on the bed with you in his lap. You giggled and snuggled into his chest, before too long you were fast asleep.

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