Just like her >>> Loki x reader

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  Loki stood haughtily in the middle of his temporary dwelling; his eyes flickered over the many mortals that peppered the area. He relished his dominance over each and every one of them. It was his right after all; he was meant to be king.

“Sir, I’ve caught an intruder.” Barton’s voice came from the shadows directly behind Loki.

“Good job, Barton.” Loki commended a tad stand-offish before he twisted around to face them. Although once he caught sight of the intruder the sarcastic quip that was on his lips died. His wide eyes wandered over every visible inch of you and from what he saw you looked exactly like her. Even with your messy appearance the similarities were remarkable.

    (H/c) hair was plastered to your face by sweat and shielded your eyes from the wannabe king. Unfortunately that meant you couldn’t see him or much of anything else really. All you knew was that there was a deep silence that you felt very uncomfortable in. Seemingly out of nowhere fingers curled around your chin and your head was jerked up and to the right. Your head captor’s face filled your vision and if you weren’t absolutely terror stricken you might have noticed how handsome he was, but all you could register is that you felt like a mouse and he looked like a cat about to pounce.

     Loki sucked in a sharp breath. (E/c) eyes swirled with fear just as hers had so long ago.

“What is your name?” Loki’s voice thawed a few degrees, not that it helped matters, as his fingers slid from your jaw.

“(Y/n).” You replied shakily, trying to ignore the coldness his touch left on your skin. Loki’s eye twitched ever so slightly. He should have known your voice would be the exact same octave as hers. You gulped in fear as you began squirm in your captor’s guard dog’s arms. Guard dog, or Barton as you believe he was called, tightened his grip on you which made you let out a whimper of pain even though you tried to stifle it. Loki’s eyes snapped back to where Barton’s arm clung to your ribs right below your chest. His other arm enclosed your neck and his fingers were tangled in the hair on the left side of your head.

“Let her go.” Loki commanded and Barton did as he was asked albeit a tad hesitantly. He needn’t worry though, because as soon as you were free from him Loki had you in his arms and proceeded to drag you towards his courters.

“Ow.” You yelped after he slung you onto the bed, your head ironically hit the headboard rather hard. Loki either didn’t hear you or didn’t care as he was busy pacing back and forth in front of the door. Although, he did keep an eye on you at all times.

      Calling you terrified would be a huge understatement and you had abso-freakin-loutely no idea what was going on. For as long as you could remember the place had been abandoned and as your luck would have it the time you wanted to explore it there would be a psychopathy living in it. And even though you didn’t know it you looked exactly like Loki’s ex-lover. The same ex-lover that had betrayed him by having an affair with Thor.

    You shuffled to the edge of the bed cautiously all the while watching him; or rather, watching his spear that he clutched tightly in his right hand. Your feet had just touched the floor when he attacked you.

“You will not escape from me.” Loki hissed out while he pushed the blade of his spear closer to the skin on your neck. His other hand held both your wrists above you head. Slowly, practically tauntingly, he straddled your thighs and pressed his torso against yours; causing you to sink deeper into the mattress.

“You are mine.” He whispered in your ear before he started running his lips up and down your jaw.

“N-no I’m not.” You declared in a sudden burst of courage. You expected him to slice your throat open or a least to be back-handed, but to your surprise he lifted the weapon away from you.

“Not yet.” He corrected before bringing his lips down on yours. You let out a growl of protest, but given the circumstances it sounded more like a moan. Something cold and hard touched your chest, right above your heart and pain shot into you.

“I am yours my king.” You purred once he broke away from your mouth. A smile graced your face you stared up at your king with your new blue eyes.

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