DeviantART >> Avengers x reader

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"(Name) what site is that?" Thor boomed next to your ear. You rubbed your aching ear as discreetly as possible while you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You found it incredibly creepy when somebody read over your shoulder.

"It's called deviantART." You replied as sweetly as possible as you hastily closed the tab. You really didn't want him to see what you were looking at.

"Wait! Who was that person on their claiming to be me?" Thor questioned but without giving you time to answer he took control of your laptop by swiping it from your lap. Silently you cursed whoever taught the Asgardian how to work computers as he expertly switched tabs.

"It's just an overeager fan. Everyone knows it's not you." You chuckled nervously, trying to take your computer back. However, Thor was stronger than you so with a firm grip he wrenched it out of your hands and he moved to sit on the couch.

"Why are there pictures of me on here?" He wondered aloud; you assumed he had begun browsing and sincerely hoped he wouldn't find anything that would scar him. You let out a breath as both a sigh and a groan creating a strange noise. It would figure the time you got caught it would be by Thor when you were looking at Thor stuff.

"It's because you're famous now." Tony stated as he moseyed into the room. Thor nodded his head understandingly, but you had a feeling he didn't really understand.

"159,034 wow you're loved. I wonder how many I have." Tony commented as he glanced at the computer screen, "What only 44,920!"

    You bit you lip to keep from laughing at the disappointment and shock on Tony's face. His lips went to settle into as much of a pout as he could manage and still look amazing.  It was at that time Clint and Natasha walked into the room.

"Hey Clint you've only got 7,310 related pics on this site!" Tony called out to his friend from across the room. Of course that brought the pair over to the couch.

"How many do I have?" Natasha was forced to ask because Thor had a death grip on the electronic.

"5,158." Clint responded as soon as the page loaded. Outwardly Natasha remained the same, but since she was a human on the inside was upset that hers was so low.

"What's going on?" Steve asked as him and Bruce joined the party surrounding the couch. You watched on in amusement as the men tried to squeeze into a spot near the laptop wielding Thor.

"We're seeing who has the most things related to us on this website." Tony told them while he pushed Thor over so he wouldn't be as squished.

"Thor's in the lead!" You cried out happily as Tony's smirk dropped into a frown. He sent you a glare that only broadened your smile. With a small quiet laugh and a shake of your head you sauntered over to the already filled couch and plopped down on Steve's lap. You enjoyed the blush that spread across his cheeks before you placed your legs over Bruce's lap. Everybody stared at you but with a wave of your hand they turned back to see which Avenger was on top.

"Let's see Steve has 16,160 and Bruce well Hulk has whoa 6,864,289." Clint read off.

"Dang Bruce wins!" Tony grinned before slapping him on the back. Bruce's face was turning red as you lifted your legs from his lap and quickly stole back your computer.

"Loki has 222,733, more than everybody but Hulk." You laughed as you closed you laptop and rose from Steve's lap. With a smile and a wave you skipped off to find Loki. Maybe then he wouldn't go 'woe is me my brothers the favorite' anymore.

"I'm never getting on deviantART again, since they obviously have a lack in taste there." Tony complained before heading for the closest bar.

Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now