You can't wear those>> Tony x teen daughter reader

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"Pepper! Hey Pepper! Come here!" Tony shouted out from the depths of Stark Tower; which happened to in fact be the laundry room.

"Tony, I'm right behind you. In fact I'm the one who called you in here to help me fold clothes. Now stop yelling and tell me what the problem is this time?" Pepper sighed as she pushed the last of the clothes into the dryer. She felt a headache beginning at the back of her head from her husband's constant problems and silently swore to herself that she would never ask for his help doing clothes again.

"Have you lost weight in your butt without me knowing?"

   Pepper stilled at his bizarre question, but twisted around anyway so he could get a good look at her butt, "If it is it'd be a surprise to me."

"Well then whose are these?" Tony looked so lost as he held the (f/c) thong that Pepper didn't know whether to laugh or to take pity on him; so she decided on giggling as she told him, " There's only one other female living here honey."

"Impossible," he declared, "my baby would never wear these!"

"Yes, well your 'baby' is sixteen now." Pepper stated while she grabbed your now dry (f/c) lace bra and laid it on top your graffiti covered jeans. Her eyes darted around the small room for the shirt that helped complete that specific outfit, before she realized that it was in the last load. So with her work temporarily done she was able to turn her attention back to her overly-dramatic husband.

"No," Tony yelled at the top of his lungs as he flung the tiny piece of cloth unto the floor, " don't you dare imply that my little girl is no longer my baby!"

"Hey, I'm not implying anything. It was mother nature who made it obvious." Pepper defended herself while she rummaged through the dryer for all the clothes that were easily shrunk.

"Hey mom, ( crush's name) asked me out!" you giggled as you twirled into the room at pretty much the worst time ever. Your mother grinned at you over her shoulder, but your dad continued to glare at your underwear; which you quickly caught on to. So with a small roll of your eyes you hastily walked over to him and snatched them up before he could start stomping on them or something. Of course that meant that his evil eye crossed over to you; although you were a master at remaining seemingly oblivious to his anger.

"Question, why do you have those?"

"They're part of my lucky outfit." the innocence in your statement was completely lost on your father though, and Pepper could only sigh as she shook her head as  Tony's face began to redden. With wide eyes you silently stared at your dad as he worked his jaw and his eye twitched.

"How dare you.... why would you... you are banned from wearing those and your so called lucky outfit! Oh, and you're not going on you date either! In fact you're grounded.... until you're thirty!" Tony shouted at your confused face before he stormed out the room to build you iron underwear- if his mumbling was anything to go by. A quick glance at your mother gave you no clue to what your dad was so mad about, but she did give you the remaining articles of your lucky outfit.

"Don't worry, you're still allowed to go on your date and good luck on your finals tomorrow."

"Thanks mom, but I'm sure I'll ace them all as long as I'm wear these." you beamed at her while gesturing to the outfit in you hands.

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