Let her go >> Bruce x reader

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   Bruce groaned as he brought both hands up to rub his weary eyes. A quick glance at the clock confirmed that he once again spent all night working in his lab. He let out a sigh filled to the brim with frustration while he crumpled another worthless blueprint.  He picked up his pencil again then grabbed a fresh piece of paper and began to sketch the lines that he saw in his head.  After about ten minutes his eyelids began to flutter for a few seconds before he allowed them to remain closed and just let his hand draw whatever it wanted until his thoughts stopped completely.





    Bruce leapt awake at the sound of his lab partner’s voice; or Science Bro as Tony liked to put it; “What time is it?”

“’Bout twelve o’clock.” Tony muttered while he glanced between the paper in his hands and Bruce, “You have got it bad, man.”

“Got what bad?”

“How long ago did you break up with her?” Tony ignored Bruce’s question with one of his own

“It was three months yesterday, why?”

    Tony didn’t answer with words, but rather flipped the paper he had stolen around to allow Bruce to see what was drawn on it. A rough sketch of your face made in black ink stood out against the blue background that was meant to house the blueprints of the latest invention.  Bruce’s eyes widened in surprise at what he had unknowingly created before he let out a low moan and dropped his head into his hands.

“I haven’t been able to get her out of my head since we broke up.” Bruce complained into his palms which made Tony have to slightly strain to hear it. Although once he had pieced together the sentence he just had to point out the small lie weaved into it.

“You mean since you broke up with her.”

   Bruce glared at his friend once he brought his face up and out from behind his hands, but that didn’t deter Tony from continuing to pick at the wound that seemed to refuse to heal.

“I always thought the two of you made a nice couple, plus (name) did add a bit of class to the place. Who would’ve ever thought of using coasters in the lab and tool shaped ones at that. Yeah, she was awesome to have around till you ripped out her heart and stomped it into the ground for no apparent reason, her words by the way not mine.”  Tony shrugged nonchalantly before he took a swig of his drink; which was actually nothing more than water in a flask. After all he had a reputation to uphold and a bet to win.

“You know why I had to break up with her.”  Bruce’s voice came out strained as he began to rub his forehead.

“Because you have commitment issues and she was dropping hints about marriage?” A single highly-threatening glare from Bruce made Tony place his drink on the table and actually be serious for a moment, “Apparently I forgot so give me one more reminder and I promise I won’t bring it up again… well for a day or two.”

“When we first started dating I thought I had the other guy under control, but I didn’t. I still don’t and how am I supposed to ask her to constantly put herself in harm’s way…hmm? And I don’t even want to think about what would happen if I did marry her and she got pregnant.”

“Come on you haven’t had an accident in nearly a year, so what’s all this about you not having control?”

“About three and a half months ago I was working in the lab. Something blew up and next thing I know I’m being told the other guy surfaced and it took every Shield agent to take him down.” Bruce screwed his eyes shut at the memory and absent mindedly began to fiddle with a small screwdriver.

“Wait where was I when that happened?

“You were drunk and in Australia.”

“Why Australia?”

“You wanted a pet Koala.”

“Oh, well that doesn’t matter (name) loves you and I happen to know for a fact that you wouldn’t have to ask her to put herself in harm’s way when it came to you because she would gladly do it… and that sounded much better in my head.” Tony took another much larger swig of his water before grabbing the small tool from Bruce, “Just admit you were wrong and that you still love her.”

“I never stopped loving her, but I just can’t-“

  The sound of a door banging open halted Bruce’s sentence and both men’s gaze was diverted to the door and the female who slung it open. With lightning speed you ran over to your ex-boyfriend and threw your arms around his neck while you proceeded to sit on his lap.

“I love you too Brucie and I wish I had known three months ago why you broke up with me because then I could’ve told you how stupid you were being. I love you and the other guy will never spoil that. And I totally get your worries about hurting me and any future children, but think about it if the other guy can fight alongside the Avengers and not hurt any of them then he has to know better than to hurt me.”

“She’s got a point.” Tony chimed in, earning himself glares from the lovers before him. With a tiny scowl he strode from the room, but not before ordering Jarvis to play romantic music in the background and turning the lights rather low.

“You’re right (pet name) I was stupid, but you have to promise me that if you even suspect I might turn you call one of our friends to come get and protect you.” Bruce declared while he tightly held you in his arms.





“Hey Clint, guess what I win. I got them back together before I went crazy from lack of alcohol.” Tony shot a smug look at the despaired archer beside him, “Now you have to give up your bow until you ask out Tasha.”

   Clint let out a rather large sigh before he reluctantly relinquished his cherished bow and hastily disappeared down the corridor in search of the Russian assassin. Tony stared after his friend for a second of two before a small part of his and Bruce’s conversation popped back into his head.

“Hey Jarvis find a place that sells Koala’s.”

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