Loki x pregnant reader

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"I just don't know what to do." You complained to your best friend as the two of you talked over coffee inside the S.H.I.E.L.D break room.

"Have you even tried to tell Loki that you're pregnant yet?" Natasha questioned after setting her mug down.

"I've tried like three times today and each time he had to leave before I could tell him. And now he's about to go on another mission." You sighed before downing the rest of coffee.



It was the unholy hour of five a.m. but that fact was lost on you as you sat at your kitchen table reading a magazine and humming.

"Hi honey!" You greeted your husband excitedly as Loki passed through the doorway. He either mumbled a hi or grunted in return, this early in the morning it was nearly impossible to differentiate the two, but you just smiled on and flipped the pages.

"So when my pregnancy starts to show do you think I'll be one of those sexy pregnant women or the kind that look like a bloated hippo?" You questioned him after you stopped to look at a page with pregnant celebrities on it.

"Uh-huh." Loki muttered into his earpiece but since your back was too him you had no clue that he was talking to someone else, poor you.

"Was that an uh-huh for sexy or a bloated hippo?"

"Both." Loki stated after about a minute after you asked your question. Of course that threw you for a loop, because how in the world does a bloated hippo look sexy. You were just about to voice your confusion when Loki placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"That was Fury; I've got to go into work early, bye honey." He gave a gentle squeeze on your shoulder and then he was off.

"Well at least I'm not a sexy bloated hippo."


"Loki is it true you gave birth to a horse?" You asked while stepping in tune with him as the two of you made your way down the hall.

"What! No where'd you get that?" Loki paused walking to give you a disturbed look.

"Read it in a Norse mythology book. Because I was hoping that if you had you could give me tips be-"

"Wait if they got that wrong what other lies have they spread about me?" Loki cut you off, you let it slid this time but only because it was a very good question.

"Well according to the book I'm step-mother to a wolf, a snake and a girl who's half-zombie or something of that nature. Which brings me back to my original point I'm-."

"Reindeer games get in here before Fury has a conniption!" Tony called out from one of the many rooms that the hallway leads too.

"I'll see you later." He sent an apologetic look over his shoulder as he darted into the room. Tony of course stuck his head back out the door and waved, "Hi princess."

"Shut up Tony."


"(Y/n) over here, I've already got your lunch!" Loki called you over as soon as you stepped foot into the cafeteria. A smile graced your face as you practically pranced to the table that Loki had claimed as his own.

"Thanks hon," You kissed his cheek before sitting down next him, "Are you okay?"

"(Y/n) I'm going on another mission." Loki cast his eyes down to his plate of his food as he waited for the news to sink in.

"B-but you just got back from a mission. Just because you did some bad things doesn't mean that you have to run yourself ragged to try and prove yourself now." You spoke softly as you grabbed his right hand and rubbed the back of it, "Can you tell them you can't go, because-"

"Excuse me, but Director Fury wanted me to get Loki so we can finish our debriefing." Steve broke in with a repentant smile. Loki nodded and kissed your forehead this time before leaving you hanging again. You took a deep breath as you watched the pair walk off.

"I'm about to go crazy." You muttered before you too left the table, but you went in search of your best friend.

~~~~End flashback~~~~

"Hmm I might be able to help you," Natasha gave a rare smile before she grabbed your hand and pulled you from your chair, "Go wait in that closet over there and I'll do the rest."

"Um o-okay." You stuttered as you slowly walked into the closet and sat upon an upside-down bucket. You tapped your foot as you patiently waited for Natasha to return with your husband.

"Natasha what are you..." Loki started but the door was slammed in his face before he could finish.

"That was fast." You commented before getting up and hugging the infuriating man that stole your heart.

"Anyway Loki the reason that I-" You were rudely cut off by Nick Fury speaking over Loki's earpiece. With a growl you snatched the device from his ear and threw it on the ground. He stared silently as you began to viciously stomp on it, effectively cutting off whatever message Fury had been in the middle of giving.

"Now that he can't interrupt can I finally tell you something?" You pretty much hissed out; which actually made you scare yourself. Loki nodded with a mix of bemusement and fear on his face, even though you totally knew he was laughing on the inside from you little fit.

"Alright, I am freaking pregnant and you have got to get better time management skills because our child will Not play second fiddle to work EVER." You declared while you placed your hands on your hips and glared up at the irksome man. All emotion seemed to slip of his face for a moment or two before popping back into place in the form of a large smile.

"That's amazing," He laughed as he swept you into a hug, "I love you."

"I love you too." You giggled before reaching up and forcing your lips against his.

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