My Favorite >> Clint x reader x Loki

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“Hey Clint will you drive me to the bookstore?” You asked as soon he finished his bowl of cereal. He didn’t say a word as he stood from the table and took his bowl to the sink. You drummed your fingers impatiently and let a frown settled on your face as he deliberately took his time thinking. Just when you were about to resort to being nice he plopped down in the seat in front of you and nodded his head.

“Thanks, I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” You cried before you rushed out the room. You bustled around your bedroom slipping on clothing as you found them. Five minutes had passed and you were now decked in your favorite outfit, but with little time to appreciate how good you looked you made a mad dash to the bathroom to brush your teeth and hair.

“I’m here!” You declared as you skidded to a stop by your best friend.

“Wow, you really got ready in ten minutes. That has to be a record for females.” His smile slipped into a laugh after you stuck your tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue out at you so with a laugh you shoved his arm and forced him into the wall.

“Why are you so abusive to me? I don’t think I should take you to the store.”

“But I didn’t mean to hit you. There was a spider on your shoulder and I tried to kill it for you.” You stated with a nod before you batted your eyelashes at him. He gave you a disbelieving look but didn’t say a word as he placed his arm around your shoulders and led you to the door.  Once the door was opened for you, you bolted into the garage and quickly hopped into the passenger seat of his car.

“Why are you so anxious to go to the bookstore; didn’t you go yesterday?”

“I ordered a Norse Mythology book and I’m going to check to see if it’s arrived every day until it does.” You explained as you checked your wallet for the receipt; you’d hate to have to re-buy it. Clint rolled his eyes at you; he never really understood your obsession with mythology. He did know better than to argue with you about it though so he silently put the car in gear and backed out of the garage.

“Whoa, check out the sky.” Clint told you as seemingly out of nowhere storm clouds rolled in. You quickly rolled down your window to stare up at the fast moving clouds in awe.  Clint just had to laugh at the sight of your head sticking out the window with your face to the sky.  He slowed the car so he could enjoy the view, in a safer manner, when a flash of movement behind you caught his attention.

“What is that?” He questioned as he stopped the car to watch the mass fall from the sky and maybe even identify it.  You twisted your head and body in response to what he had said and had just enough time to watch a cloud of dust kick up from the unknown object hitting the ground in the distance. Without warning you hastily pushed open your door and began to run in the direction that the object landed.

“(Name), get back here!”  Clint yelled as he too opened his door. He let out a growl of frustration when you continued on your trek oblivious to his demand.  Of course that meant he had no other choice then to chase after you.  By the time he caught up with you a small crater was only a few yards away and you were refusing to stop.

“It could be dangerous!” Clint shouted at you as he pulled you back towards the car. You dug your heels into the ground and put all your strength into freeing your arm. You almost had it free when his grip disappeared and you fell on your butt.

“Ow.” You cried before you quickly got to your feet and glared at him. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide as he stared over your shoulder. Dread washed over you and you slowly turned on your heel only to have a staff pointed at you.

“I am Loki of-“ Loki started before he got cut off by you.

“Loki! No way, I am a huge fan of yours, even if you are a Frost Giant. What are you doing here?” You squealed as you went into fangirl mode before you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around Loki’s waist. With your head in Loki’s chest you were unable to see the disbelief on his face or the anger on Clint’s. Finally after many seconds of awkward hugging you pulled away only to launch a bunch of questions at him.

“Are you married? Did you really give birth to the horse? Did you and Thor really cross dress? Did you really kill whoever that guy was that was blind? Is there really a giant snake in the ocean, and is it your son? Why are you here?”

       As amazing as Loki was he did have a little trouble deciphering the jumble of words and a few of the questions he didn’t even want to ask about, “I’m not married and I’ve never had any children nor have I killed a blind Asgardian.”

“You didn’t answer the most important question. The one she asked twice. Why are you here?” Clint spoke up with a tinge of malice in his voice as he subtly moved closer to you because even though you couldn’t see the dangers he could and he was going to make sure he could protect you.

“Yes, well I am having some troubles back home, seeing as I am the rightful ruler, and I thought a small vacation here would help me.” Loki skillfully worded the truth into a very less evil seeming manner; after all this female Midgardian seemed to like him over his brother although the overprotective male he could do without. Naturally it was in his nature to cause mischief even when he was plotting to take over an entire world and an opportunity like the one before him was just too good to pass up.

“Although if I was aware of you beauty sooner I would have come a long time ago Lady…”


“Lady (Name), I should have expected a beautiful name to match.” Loki continued to sweet talk you as he gently took ahold of your right hand and kissed the back of it. You giggled as a blush quickly rushed to your face and an idiotic smile stretched across your lips.

“And I’m Clint.” He declared as he broke Loki’s grip on your hand. The two glared at each other before Loki gave him an icy smirk.  Without any warning at all Loki pulled you to him and roughly pushed his lips against yours. You squeaked in surprise but before your brain could register to push him away he was gone. Just vanished into thin air, which was probably a good thing as Clint had a fist raised and was ready to try and kill Loki.

“What?” You exclaimed with a bewildered look about you after Clint held you to his chest and scanned the surrounding area for the offending alien.

“Are you alright?” Clint asked while he rubbed circles on your back. You nodded your head as you wrapped one of your arms around him. You were still in shock when he started to lead you back to the car.

"Thanks." You whispered to him right before you nuzzled your head into his neck. Clint hugged you tighter to him for the few moments he could before the two of you reached the car. Meanwhile, thanks to his invisibility spell, Loki stood only a few feet away from the two of you.  He shook his head at your ignorance but it didn’t matter now. He did try and help who seemed to be the only living being that preferred him over Thor.

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