It's a rat >> Clint x reader

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    It was a peaceful Saturday morning and your faithful husband slept soundly in the bedroom, until you ear piercing shrieks filled the air. Clint’s eyes snapped open and within seconds his loaded bow was in his hands as he headed for your location.

“What’s wrong?” He nearly shouted as his wide eyes swept over the room. When he found nothing he diverted his gaze to your trembling form in search of wounds. You stood on top of the kitchen table, your horror struck eyes flickered between your left leg and the far corner of the room. Clint placed his hand on your leg to try and jumpstart you after he checked the room once again.

“It was a rat, a big fat rat! Ugh, it was crawling on my leg and wouldn’t let go!”

     Clint sighed once before bending down and picking up one of the biscuits that littered the floor. His aim followed your gaze and with a small flick of his wrist the piece of bread flew through the air. A squeak was heard before the gray rat scurried from his hiding spot.

“Kill it Clint, kill it!” You shouted at him before switching to the rat, “You hear that I got Hawkeye after you! Hawk-freakin’-eye!”

“You done?” Clint asked while he laid his bow and arrow on the table next to you.

“Yeah it shouldn’t come back. Hawks eat rats.” You smiled down at your exasperated husband.

“You are spending too much time with Tony.” Clint glowered at you with his arms crossed while you narrowed your eyes at him. That went on for about two minutes before your frown broke into a grin. Clint’s lips followed your lead and they too curled upwards.

“Didn’t you rat out Tony when he stole Director Fury’s eye patch?” Clint asked with a strange gleam in his eyes.

“Well yeah but-“

“That makes you a rat. Hawks eat rats remember?”

“They have to catch them first!” You shouted with a giggle before darting from the tabletop.

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