I do >> Bruce x reader

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“Hey Bruce we’ve been dating for five years right?” You asked as you causally flipped through some fashion magazine. Bruce didn’t even pause in his work when he made a guttural sound that you took for a yes.

“And you do love me right?”

      This time Bruce put his latest project on pause and turned in his seat to look at you. Confusion shone through his protective goggles and it brought a giggle out of you. You really couldn’t help it his facial expression paired with the goggles made a funny sight. He smiled at you and waited patiently for you to finish.

“Of course I love you. Did you honestly need to ask?”

“I love you too and not really. Now next question, we’re practically married already right?” You tossed your magazine to the side and scooted your stool closer to your boyfriends. He slowly nodded his head as he cautiously began to pour some sort of liquid into another liquid. You knew better than to drop your next question right then so waited until all science-cy syrup was tucked away.

“So… uh… do you want to marry me?” You questioned rather fast and squeezed your eyes closed. It was true that the two of you were practically already married but you were still incredibly nervous. Bruce choked on his own spit as that question came out of nowhere, or at least for him it did. You peeked an eye open and then the other before you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him from behind.

“You can say no.” You mumbled dejectedly after he still refused to answer. That however seemed to restart him however and he quickly grabbed ahold of your wrists before you pulled them away. Your eyes widened slightly as he twisted in his seat and slid his hands up your arms. He gripped your shoulders and pulled you to his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck while you set yourself on his lap.

“Why would I ever say no to you? I love you so much. “ He squeezed you tighter and tucked your head under his chin, “If anything you should be the one that say no. After all with the other guy I’m not the safest guy around.”

“Bruce, you’re crazy. I love you and nothing can make me stop.” You declared as you snuggled further into his chest.  Bruce grinned down at you and placed a kiss on the top of your head.




“Not so tight.” You complained to Natasha as she laced up your dress. Within seconds the pressure on your ribs eased up and you sighed in satisfaction.  With your corset like bodice finally tied she helped you arrange your veil. The skirt of your dress fanned out as it flowed to your ankles which made it much easier to put on your high heels.  Of course with you completely dressed you didn’t have anything to distract you from your nerves.  Your stomach churned dangerously as you eyed the clock on the wall. According to it there was five minutes before the wedding was supposed to start.

“I feel so excited I’m sick. Is that normal?”

“I have no idea.”

    You groaned slightly as you impatiently tapped your foot. It seemed the time went by so slowly that you thought you were going to die of old age before you were able to walk down the aisle. Just when you were about to tell them to start anyway Natasha motioned for you to follow her. You eagerly complied and when it was your turn to finally walk you were tempted to run. However you settled for more of a speed walk.

    By the time you were at the alter you were already for the wedding to be over and the honeymoon to begin. You and Bruce both grinned at each other as you began the most important part of the ceremony.

 “You may kiss the bride.”

   You briefly smiled at your new husband before you flung yourself into his arms. He caught you easily and proceeded to kiss you senseless while clapping ensued from the crowd.

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