Yoga >> Bruce x reader

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    Classical music poured from your docked IPod as you spread your yoga mat on the floor of the gym. With a small sigh of pleasure you eased your stiff body into the downward dog position. Unknown to you a certain red-faced scientist was trying his hardest to get the perverted thoughts in his head to go away while your tense muscles unwound. But those thoughts only intensified as you swiftly changed into upward dog. A small war waged inside Bruce’s mind as he had to choose between going in there and grabbing Tony’s earpiece or turning around and telling Tony he couldn’t find it.

      The first choice won by a landslide after he put some thought into the second one. Tony would probably come to find it himself and he was the type of guy that would give action to the type of thoughts that were currently entertaining Bruce’s mind. The mere thought of Tony trying anything, or worse getting somewhere, made him want to Hulk-out. His steps were quick and light as he tried to get to the treadmill and back without you noticing. He only got halfway there before the inevitable happened.

“Hey Bruce!” You shouted over the symphony that filled the air before bouncing over to hug him, “Finally divorced your lab?”

“What… oh no I’m just helping Tony.”

“If Tony’s such a genius how come he always has to have help?” You scoffed before returning to your mat. Bruce shook his head but a smile did grace his features, along with a large blush.  He continued on his quest as he ignored the heat in his blood.

“You seem stressed out. You should ditch Tony and do yoga with me.” You suddenly stopped the music and caused Bruce to slightly jump.

“Oh uh no I really should get going.” Bruce stammered as his eyes disobeyed the rational part of his brain and continued to take in the curves your tight clothing accented. A smile tugged on your lips, because the one thing you absolutely loved more than anything else, besides the fluffy haired scientist in front of you, it was a challenge. And a Bruce-ey challenge was your biggest temptation.

“Please.” You gave him your best pouty face while you lightly pulled his left arm forward. A small look of torment crossed his features as he glanced between the earpiece in his hand and your scantily clad body.

“Please.” You tried again only this time in a lower voice while you hugged his arm.

“Fine.” He surrendered before tucking Tony’s gadget into his pocket and following your sashaying hips to the yoga mat.

“You take that one I’ll grab another.” You directed while swiping a green mat. You smiled at him before switching the music back on.

“Like this.” You stated before resuming the downward dog. Bruce stifled a groan as he attempted to do the same thing as you.

‘You need to be a man and let (Y/n) how you feel.’ Tony’s advise ran around inside Bruce’s head as he glanced at you from the corner of his eye. Your eyes were closed and a small smile played on your lips as you began to switch your position and so in a small burst of courage Bruce quickly scurried in front of you. You had just lifted your face up when you felt large warm hands caress the sides of your face. Your eyes cracked open just as Bruce’s equally as warm lips met yours. Instantly you moved to sit on your legs and wrapped your arms around his neck and threaded your fingers through his hair.

“Hey Bruce have-“ Tony paused once he actually looked into his workout room. His usual smirk was in place as he closed the door, “JARVIS I want blackmail material.”

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