First date jitters >> Clint x reader

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“Hey (name), I heard you’re pretty handy with a bow.” Clint stated as he sped up his pace so he could be in sync with you. You twisted your neck so he could fully see your cocked eyebrow, but never once did you slow down your gait.

“That’s one way to put it.” You smirk at him once the last word left your lips. With little warning you turned to the left and continued.

“Is that a challenge?” He called after you once again trying to catch up. You chuckled to yourself at a volume only you could hear it.

“If you think you’re man enough.” You tossed over your shoulder before whipping around to give him another smirk.  The look on his face was unrecognizable but you could have sworn you saw a trace of lust pass over his features. You pushed that though aside as you turned back around and headed down the hallway again.

“I’m more than enough man to take you on.” Clint declared in an octave or two lower than his usual one. Your eyebrows and the corners of your lips quirked at what you knew had to be an innuendo.

“Good, meet me in the archery room in an hour.” With that you rushed off to go to the meeting you were going to be late for. Of course you had to send your archer friend a wink before you rounded the corner. Clint shook his head and went the opposite way that you did.



“Didn’t think you’d come.” You grinned at him while you kicked open the door to the archery practice room.

“I never miss a date, no matter how many I have.” Clint slipped a boast into his statement as he pushed past you. You followed with the biggest grin a person could have on their face without it cracking. The both of you grabbed your bows and quivers. The moment an arrow was nocked you let it go into the center of the bulls-eye. Clint made a weird clicking sound in the back of his throat before shooting an arrow straight into yours.

“Hmm, you’ve got some game. Try this on for size.” You pulled a pencil from the depths of your pocket and replaced your arrow with it. This time you shot the pencil into a different bulls-eye. Clint made a move to nock his arrow, but you stop him with a raise of your hand. After a deep breath you let the arrow loose. A self-satisfied smile graced your lips as you watched the arrow split the pencil in half.

“Not bad.” Clint commended before firing an arrow over his shoulder. In retaliation you twirled around and shot. Your hair hadn’t even settled yet when the thunk from the arrow hitting the center of the target flowed through the air. The two of you jumped and twisted as arrows flew across the room, each trying to outdo the other.

“I believe we might be at a standstill.” Clint relented as he nocked his last arrow. He glanced over at your back bent frame with lust in his eyes, before he shook his head and returned his attention back on the target in front of him.

“What’s wrong getting first date jitters?” You whispered in his ear right as he was about to let go of the string. Without a word he dropped his bow and quiver before grabbing the back of your head and ramming his mouth unto yours. Your eyes widened in surprise but they rapidly fluttered shut as you ran your fingers through his hair occasionally tugging at it.  

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