Monster (songfic) >> Loki x reader

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His little whispers

"Love me, love me

 That's all I ask for

 Love me, love me."

He battered his tiny fist to feel something

 Wondered what it's like to touch and feel something

        Loki glared down at the man who claimed to love him, the man who took him in for personal gain. He wondered briefly if Frigga actually loved him or if she merely went along with Odin’s scheme simply because she was his wife.  He refused to let any emotion show on his face as he whirled around from Odin and stormed down the hall. He could feel the shattering of his heart and the ice encasing it so that it wouldn’t fall apart in his chest, but still he shoved down his feelings.  He figured if they didn’t love him why should he bother to have any affection toward them?

        Once he made it to the safe haven of his room he just stood in front of the mirror and peered closely at his skin. It appeared normal once again; well what was considered normal to Asgard. Anger filled his cracked heart and quickly over-flowed to the rest of him. His arms shook as he desperately tried to fight back the rage. In one swift movement he let out a single scream and his fist darted forward and met the mirror. His breathing was heavy as he watched the single crack in the glass spread and distort his image; all but the sinister and pain filled smile adorning his face.  


 How should I feel?

 Creatures lie here

 Looking through the window

        Loki stalked through the castle in the direction of the portal. He looked down in the direction of Midgard in disgust before nodding to Heimdall to allow him to pass through. The ride was short and in no time at all he was standing in a barren field of dirt, presumably near Thor. The small shapes of building in the distance caught his attention so with an air of superiority he made his way to the tiny town.  Luckily for him he had come during the night and wouldn’t have to suffer the journey in heat.

     You stared up at the full moon through your living room window just enjoying the light it gave off when a silhouette stood in the middle of the low moon. Slowly, but steadily, the silhouette grew larger and larger until the man it belonged too appeared. You gasped at the sight of the slightly menacing looking man bathed in moonlight. His head snapped around to you after the dry air carried your gasp to his ears.  With a squeak of fright you hastily dropped out of view and crawled toward the stairs that would take you to your room.

 That night he caged her

 Bruised and broke her

 He struggled closer

 Then he stole her

 Violet wrists and then her ankles

 Silent Pain

 Then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams

       You had just made it to the bottom step when you could hear the distinct sound of your front door banging open. Your breathing became ragged as you braved a glance toward the door to see light spilling through it and the man just standing in the doorway observing you. You licked your suddenly dry lips and cautiously rose to your feet. You couldn’t make out any of his features, but you could feel his eyes all over you and practically see the ruthless smile you knew would be on his face.

      He didn’t speak a word as he stalked toward you; however you let out a blood curdling scream and fled to the left. Your hand grasped the knob of the backdoor, but before you could wrench it open you were ripped away from it. You tried to scream around his hand but it only locked onto your jaw tighter.

“Now take me to Thor.” He venomously whispered into your ear while he jerked you outside. Your knees shook as you led him to the other newest arrival as fast as you could. The two of you stopped in front of Jane Foster’s house/lab and your captive causally grabbed ahold of one of your wrists. You gawked at his fingers as he softly began to rub his thumb over the back of your hand. Your eyes widened in horror as he began to turn blue and your skin began to burn.


 How should I feel?

 Creatures lie here

 Looking through the windows

      Tears began to stream down your face and just when you thought you could take no more he released you. All you pent up screams came tumbling out as you clutched your ice encrusted hand and tried to run. An icy touch curled around the back of your neck efficiently preventing you from running and as your neck began to burn you let your wails come out freely.  Soon, but a lifetime to you, the large man you believed to be Thor stepped out and you were finally allowed to fall to the ground in a pitiful lump.

 I will

 Hear their voices

 I’m a glass child,

 I am Hannah’s regrets

       Loki didn’t spare a single glance at your fragile body as he headed for his bitter rival. Thoughts of his “father’s” betrayal mixed with memories of the constant favoritism toward Thor.  He took steps forward in sync with Thor until they stood face to face.

“What have you done?” Thor questioned his brother as he gazed down at still body. His eyes flickered back up to his brother and stopped on the insane smile that stretched across his lips. Loki remained speechless as his hate filled eyes bore into Thor’s slightly confused ones. After a few moments Thor seemed to remember you and rushed next you and searched for the non-existing pulse. He looked up at Loki with horror written on his face, and with all his heart he wanted to believe that his younger brother didn’t just murder an innocent soul for no reason.


 How should I feel?

 Turn the sheets down

 Murder ears with pillow lace

There's bath tubs

 Full of glow flies

 Bathe in kerosene

Their words tattooed in his veins, yeah!

     It was then Loki understood the vast differences between the two of him. He was the unwanted and unloved prince of Jotunheim whereas Thor was the much wanted and loved prince of Asgard. He knew exactly what he had to do to get anything in life and so with a deep laugh he pulled out his dagger and plunged it into his own broken heart. With a fierce cry Thor lunged forward and caught his brother before he was able to touch the ground. Thor’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears as he simply held his deceased brother in his arms until he felt Jane’s gentle touch on his shoulder.

“Thor, you’ll need to find a way to tell your father what happened.”

      He slowly nodded and carefully carried both your dead bodies inside the house until he could find out what to do.

Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now