Handcuffs (Bruce x reader)

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“Bruce, can I talk to you?” You nervously asked your boyfriend of three years. Earlier that day you had literally forced Bruce to take a break by locking the doors to the lab, so you were pretty sure he’d still be peeved at you. Turns out you were right.

“What?” He ground out between clenched teeth.  You glanced at your usually mild mannered lover as he pulled at his handcuffs. You had almost forgotten you had to chain him to a chair so he would stop trying to pick the lock to the lab. You gave him the best smile you could but he merely rolled his eyes and continued to tug on his bonds.

“Well, I was wondering if you were going to relent and take the day off?”  You muttered as you hugged him from behind. The sigh he gave was practically inaudible, but you could feel it through his chest as you lazily drew patterns on his clothed abs.

“Fine.” He surrendered and you let out a small giggle of achievement. You pushed your hand into your pocket to grab the key, but your smile quickly faded as it came out empty. You hastily stuffed your hand into your other pocket and then the back one but all of them were clean.

“Uh Bruce, honey I can’t find the key.” You stuttered as you slowly rounded the chair to face him. The anger radiated off him and you could see the green tinge in his skin. Without hesitation you flung yourself into his lap and pressed your lips against his. Like so many times before your lips helped him to ease the anger away.

“I can go grab something from the lab to cut them off.” You whispered in his ear once all traces of green left him.  You didn’t give him time to answer as you slid of his lap and briskly walked to the one place you hated to go. You seriously hoped that Tony wouldn’t be there-he gave you the creeps and made you feel violated. You scoured the lab and grabbed anything sharp that you field of vision landed on.

“I’m back!” You declared in a sing-song voice as you skipped into your shared bedroom. You carelessly let all the tools drop to the floor behind Bruce’s chair as you sorted through to find one you thought would work best.

“This is hopeless.” You groaned, the various useless pointy objects lay scattered around you as you sunk unto the floor. You had been working on getting your boyfriend free for what seemed like forever but everything refused to work. With a sigh you peered at the offending object in hopes of finding at least a nick in the metal. What you found instead filled you not only with joy but also dread.

“Hey honey you’ll never believe what I just found. Apparently these handcuffs have that safety latch thing just in case you lose the key. Whoops.” You chuckled bashfully as you undid the cuffs as fast as you could. Without saying a word Bruce quickly twisted around and grabbed you by your waist. You let out a small oof as he plopped you down in the wooden chair. A wince settled on you face as you the small click played in the air.

“So how long am I stuck like this?”

“I was like that for three hours.”

“Dang it.”

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