Wedding Bells >> Steve x reader

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      The soft tap of your foot against the floor of Steve’s apartment kept in time with the tick-tock of the clock as you impatiently waited for your boyfriend to come back. Now, you loved Steve with all your heart, but there were times when his old-school gentleman charms irked you. You could handle his request for separate apartments because of indecency and marriage first, but how were you supposed to move forward with your life if he refused to propose? Which was why you were currently sitting on his couch with a diamond ring in your pocket. Yes, after four years of dating you were finally desperate enough to buy your own ring. Naturally you didn’t want Steve to get ridiculed for that fact so you made sure to use the credit card he didn’t know he had on a day everybody knew he was home on.

“Steve!” You cried out ecstatically as the door was pushed open and a familiar blond hair covered head came into view. Steve broke out in a grin while he swept you up into his arms before gently pressing his lips against yours. You tugged on his hair as his tongue swiped against your bottom lip. It took all your willpower to pull away and place your feet back on the ground.

“S-Steve how um… how much do you love me?” You softly stuttered just loud enough for Steve to faintly pick up the sentence. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed and his grip around you tightened successfully pinning you flush against his chest.

“I love you more than anything else in the world. Why do you ask, did somebody say something to make you feel insecure? You are an amazing and beautiful woman and in my book you are better than everybody else.” Steve rubbed your back in a soothing manner while he peppered kisses all over your face.

“I’m not feeling insecure, but thanks. What I was getting at was… uh well…. um how do you feel about marriage?”

“As a whole or to you?” Steve handled you question like a pro and didn’t miss a beat as he asked his own question.

“To me.”

       Steve fell silent and begun to formulate his thoughts on the matter. Now normally when boyfriends were quiet insecurities would come out and play but this was a single sentence that flowed through your mind like a record on repeat. Crap what have I done?

“I think being married to you would be great. I love you and I believe we could make it through all the troubles married people have.” Steve stated breaking your mantra, “I’m sorry for making you wait so long but will you marry me?”

“I… I… yes.” You felt lightheaded but that didn’t stop you from pulling on his shoulders so you could kiss him with all the passion you could muster.

“Tomorrow we can go get a ring.” Steve declared breathlessly once the two of you parted for air. Your eyes went wide as you remembered the awesome ring you bought yourself.

“Well actually there’s a ring that is used in my family instead of buying one.” You lied through your teeth while silently thanking your brain for its amazing idea to put your own money in Steve’s account to pay for the piece of jewelry. Understanding flashed on his face as you pulled the ring from your pocket and handed it to him. With a large smile his slipped the ring on your finger and pulled you in for another kiss.



    The wedding was a simple affair; it had been difficult, but you had successfully kept Tony from poking his nose into the planning. Which was why you were two seconds away from walking down the aisle in your pretty strapless knee length wedding gown instead of the red, white and blue stripper style dress Tony had suggested. You popped you knuckles –a nervous trait you had picked up from your father- as you nodded for the piano player to begin. The first few noted flowed through the air and you took your father’s arm before he led you towards the pulpit.

“Do you (f/n) (l/n) take Steve Rogers to be your lawfully wedded husband?” The preacher pointlessly asked you.

“I do.”

“And do you Steve Rogers take (f/n) (l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

        That was the breaking point for your excitement and love, must have been Steve’s too because the two of you practically leapt on each other. A chorus of cheers and hollers filled the building as the two of you began a new life as one.

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