We're getting married? >> Tony x reader

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“So (name) when is the wedding?” Natasha asked as the two of you headed for the indoor shooting range.

“What wedding?”

       Both you and Natasha stopped walking at the same time and turned sideways so you could face each other. You stared at her with full blown shock on you face whereas Natasha barely let that emotion peek through her emotionless mask.

“Tony’s been telling anyone in hearing range that you two are getting married.”

“What!” You cried out as your eyes narrowed. You worked your jaw before silently twisting on your heel and stormed off for the lab. Natasha watched you stomp off while she shook her head at Tony’s latest idiotic and most likely drunk, decision.

“Tony!” You shouted as loud as you could after you burst through the lab doors. Both Tony and Bruce jumped at your sudden interruption. Bruce wearily glanced at your scowling face before quietly slipping out the emergency door.

“Yes?” Your supposed fiancé answered without even bothering to look up from his work.

“Why are you telling everybody we’re engaged?” You glared at your boyfriend as you stalked over to him. He finally tore his gaze from his project and stare blankly at you.

“Because yesterday was our one year anniversary.” He stated as if that would make it clear to you.


   Exactly one year and a day ago I asked you to marry me. You said we would have to date for a year first.”

  Your mouth dropped open and your eyes widened as you tried to make sense of a conversation that you were pretty sure never happened. A groan rumbled in the back of your throat and your hand flew up to rub your unsurprisingly aching head.  With a sigh you recalled the very conversation Tony’s was basing his story off of; of course you would have to straighten him out on a few points.

“First off, that wasn’t a proposal that was a demand. Secondly, I never said yes. I said I had to date a guy for at least a year before marriage became an option. Thirdly, even if the first two didn’t exist I would’ve liked to get an engagement ring before you blabbed your mouth about it.”

“I’ll send out a mass email saying it was a joke.” Tony’s face fell as much as his male pride could allow and he began to bury himself in his work to mask the pain in his heart.

“Or,” You drawled out slowly as you lifted his chin, “you could get down on one knee and ask the right way.”

       A smile spread across his face as he hastily pushed his chair backwards and fell to one knee. He quickly pulled the largest and brightest diamond ring you had ever seen out of the depths of his jean pocket.

“(First name) (last name) will you marry me?”

“Of course.”  You replied instantly and stuck your left hand out. He had just placed the ring on your finger when you leaned down and pressed your lips against his.

“Think I could get a sneak peak of the honeymoon?” He murmured against your lips.




“I think I’m going to puke.” You declared as you clutched your stomach and leaned over a toilet. Natasha soothingly and silently rubbed your back as you dry heaved. Strangely enough it wasn’t the fact you were about to get married that made you nervous, no it was the fact there were paparazzi in the crowd that sent the butterflies in your stomach swirling.

“It’ll be fine, you look amazing and all that really matters is that you’re marrying Tony.” Pepper stated while she helped you stand back up. Both of them buzzed around you straightening your gown and veil.

“Now come on, you’ve got a man to marry, a cake to cut, a bouquet to throw, and a honeymoon to start.” Pepper smiled at you as she led you to your father’s waiting arm. You sent both women a large thankful smile before taking the first few steps toward your husband to be. In your head you silently thanked Tony for suggesting they skip writing their own vows, because there was no way you could get through that with all the strangers and flashing lights around you. After all, you could always show him how much you love him.

 “I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.”

     And kiss the bride he did. Tony’s tongue grazed your bottom lip before he nipped at it with his teeth earning him a moan from your very core. A loud clearing of the throat from your father brought you out of your haze and you begrudgingly pulled back.

“Any chance we could sneak away now?” Tony whispered in your ear as he pulled you in for a hug.

“We can always try.”

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