Heir >> Loki x baby reader

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   The night air was crisp as Loki casually strolled through some Midgardian woods. The full moon illuminated the bare trees and the snow covered ground, creating a very beautiful scenery; but there was one sound that shattered the sought after serenity, a baby's wail- high pitched and annoying. Loki went on so deep in thought he remained oblivious to the wails that grew louder and louder. In fact he wasn't pulled out of his mind until the source of the screaming was directly in front of him.

"Silence you mewling quim!" Loki bellowed as he glared at the child that could be no older than a year old. You quieted immediately and all tears in your (e/c) eyes seemingly dried up. Blood glistened in the moonlight against your (s/c) skin and led Loki to notice you were clad only in a diaper in freezing weather; a feat only capable by Frost Giants and Fire Fae as far as he knew.

"Where is your mother?"

     You gurgled, causing the blood on your lips to bubble, before you turned and crawled into the shadows. Loki's face housed deep confusion as he decided to follow you.

"I can't see a thing." He complained before creating a ball of magic to light the area. You let out a small gasp at the bright light before you fell backwards, unto the blood stained snow.

"Ga." You babbled unhappily as you got even more blood stuck to your already blood coated body. You babbling gave away to giggling as Loki took a few steps toward you and the unmoving lump behind you. Your hands reached out for him while you wiggled your fingers.

"Ga!" You whined as Loki walked past you and knelt in what little non-blood soaked snow there was.

"So this is your mother, she doesn't seem to be anything but a pathetic mortal." Loki mused aloud as he stared down at the lifeless figure on the ground. You clapped your hands together while you took small steps toward the Asgardian. The few inches of snow were just enough to cause you to trip once again just as you reached his feet. A small bloody handprint smeared on his right boot as you fell the short distance to the ground. Instead of crying as he predicted you gurgled and his boot clad ankle, smearing more blood into the leather.

"Listen child I am a monster! Like whatever killed your mother!" Loki growled out as he jerked his leg from your grasp, but still you didn't cry. You merely raised your arms and wiggled your fingers again with a large smile on your blood red lips.

"Ba oog," You pouted in distress at Loki's failure to respond to your request to be held, "la aab."


"Aaah!" You shrieked as loud as you could before breaking out in a fit of giggles. Loki's lips tugged upwards at your imitation of him and the grin already on your face grew even large as Loki finally snatched you from the ground.

"You are very warm." Loki stared at you for a moment longer before reaching out with his magic in search of yours. It didn't take long for him to find your fairly unused portion of your person. A homicidal smile spread across his lips before he tucked you into the crook of his arm and headed back towards his hideout.

"You shall be called (y/n) and you shall be my heir if I ever succeed in becoming anything of worth." He declared as he wiped blood from your smiling face.

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