She likes you >> Thor x reader

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You hummed blissfully as you headed for your favorite place in all of Asgard, the palace garden. You greatly enjoyed the quiet beauty that the flowers offered over the hustle and bustle that the palace always seemed to give.

“Lady (name)!” A deep voice called out to you and forced you to still instantly. Once glance behind you confirmed what you already knew. Prince Thor, whom you had a crush on, was calling for you. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest, but with a little difficulty you were able to manage your glee to show on your face.

“Lady (name) have you seen my brother?” Thor questioned you once he came to a stop in front of you.

“I’m afraid I have not Prince Thor.” you sent him a gentle smile as you began to sidestep him; only to have him step with you.

“Oh, well may I walk with you then?” he asked somewhat sheepishly while he scratched the back of his neck.

“Of course you may.”

       The two of you walked through the maze like garden in silence with only the occasional sound of the wind hitting the trees. A joyful smile played on your lips as you took in the beauty that the maze held while Thor seemed to fidget like a small child. You were contemplating whether you should comment on his apparent unease or not when the large water fountain that was set in the middle of the garden came into view.

“Lady (name) there is something I have been meaning to tell you for a long time.” Thor stopped you by placing his large hand on your arm before he continued, “I have liked you for a rather long time now and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?”

“I-uh-I- yes, I would love to go out with you.” You spoke breathlessly as you moved in an attempt to hug him; however he easily grabbed your arms before they could wrap themselves around him. Confusion clouded your features, but quickly turned to anger as the man you had assumed to be Thor quickly gave way to actually be Loki. You opened your mouth to scream at him, but he hastily placed his hand over your mouth.

“She likes you Thor; now get out here and man up already!” Loki shouted as he sent a wink your way and let go of you. You turned around at the sound of bushes rustling just in time to see a rather embarrassed looking Thor emerge from the shrubbery.

“I am sorry I had to fool you like that, but I was afraid that you might not like me.” Thor cut you off before you could voice what he supposed was anger, “I-“

“Let me guess if I was to say no Loki was going to let down his illusion and start laughing about how he had me going right?” you interrupted while you placed your hands on your hips. Thor sent you a small lopsided smile that oozed discomfort and told you all you needed to know.

“You’re an idiot Thor. You’re just lucky I think it’s attractive on you.”

“Then I shall do many more idiotic things, since you find it so pleasing.” Thor grinned at you while you shook your head in laughter.

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