All I wanted was toast >> Thor x reader

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     It was an early windy Monday morning and you were standing in your kitchen with a large grin plastered on your face. You cradled the reason for your happiness in your hands before placing it on the counter. It was Asgardian toast spread and it was awesome. Thor had gotten you hooked to the stuff about a month ago and ever since then you had to have it every morning. With your smile still present on your face as you placed some bread into the toaster and pushed the handle down. Your smile dimmed though when the bread popped back up.

“What the?”

   You pushed down once again but the result was the same. Your lips formed into a mini pout while you grabbed the handle for the third time. You slammed it down with as much force as you could muster and smiled in triumph  when the bread stayed down, but that quickly turned into a full pout when you heard the dreaded ‘boing’ only a few seconds later.

“Aw, my toaster’s broken. I can’t eat my Asgardian jelly on disgusting bread.” You complained as you paced your kitchen floor. Your pacing stopped mid-step when you spotted your trusty oven hiding in the fridge’s shadow. A smile crept unto your lips as your grabbed your bread and shoved it into the belly of the oven. The oven door had just clanged shut we all the lights in your home turned off.

“Come on!” You yelled into the darkness as you stumbled your way to the living room coffee table; where your phone sat waiting for you. You plopped down on your plush sofa and groped along the wooden table for the familiar plastic of your phone. Once it was in your hand you flicked through the contacts in search of somebody’s house you could bum at, until your power got fixed. It was a common occurrence for the power in your neighborhood to go out when it was windy; which was why homes were a tad cheaper. Your eyes light up when you came across a certain lightening controlling alien friend of yours.

“Thor can you come over I need your help?”

“Of course (y/n).”  Thor hastily replied before hanging up the phone without a good-bye. You whistled pleasantly, having slipped your phone into your pocket; while you waited in the dark for your friend and in no time at all Thor’s heavy footsteps entered your home.

“(Y/n), why are the lights off? Are you alright?” Thor called out while he slowly weaved his way through the darkness.

“I’m alright Thor; the power goes out all the time.” You responded before grabbing his arm and guiding him into the kitchen.

“How do you make toast in Asgard?”

“With a fire.” Thor replied like it was an obvious answer.

“Can you build a fire for me?” You asked him, but since you figured he’d say yes you pulled him towards the back door before he could say anything.

“Of course.” He stated as he got pushed out the door. You made sure to stop in a small clearing not far from your house and proceeded to sit on a large rock while you waited for Thor to do his Asgardian thing. You sat patiently watching him gather sticks and building a mini teepee out of them and even helped gather dead leaves to stick in the middle of it.

“Almost forgot I have a lighter,” You smiled at him as you moved to kneel beside the pile of sticks, “so I just light the leaves?”

     Thor nodded and watched in awe as fire came from the small rectangle in your hand. You gave Thor a thumb up before slapping your bread into one of your pans and holding it over the fire. Unfortunately you forgot about the dreadful wind, which was pretty stupid since that was the reason you were having to make toast old school.

“Oh crap.” You practically whispered in horror as a large gust of wind blew and the fire grew. Embers shot into the air and rode the breeze to your house.

“Dang it, all I wanted was toast.” Luckily you still had your cellphone so that you could call the fire department while you watched your house begin to burn.

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