Chitauri >> Loki x child reader

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This is a continuation of the two pervious chapters.

"Can somebody tell me how a baby alien was able to avoid detection and shut us down?" Fury yelled at his subordinates, who were running around like headless chickens attempting to fix your mess.

"Sir, Loki is here." One of the braver lower level agents announced. A quick bone rattling glare from the director's good eye sent him scurrying away, leaving an amused Loki behind.

"Where is the child?" Fury demanded sharply as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"She doesn't seem to like you, so I let Thor watch her." Loki responded quite bored of this meeting already. If Loki were to be honest he'd much rather be coloring with you –he loved how you'd scream at him if he colored animals the wrong color- but Loki would never admit to that, even to himself.

"My meeting with her can't be postponed."  Fury stated calmly as he stared down the reformed villain.


    A high pitched shriek that abruptly broke cut off Loki's reply and caused him a stab of panic. You were the only creature on the Helicarrier that could produce a sound that high.  Without a single thought for anything other than (y/n) he darted from the room. He prowled through the vast amount of hallways, his eyes roaming over every nook and cranny in search of you.  It wasn't that he didn't trust Thor- okay he might have of had some doubt- to protect you, but his fatherly instincts seemingly kicked into hyper-drive  once you were discovered.

"Do not touch her again!" Thor's loud voice came from the left and Loki's head snapped in that direction. His green eyes darkened and narrowed as he stormed towards the area he believed you were in. The sight that greeted him when he arrived infuriated him to his very core.

    You were wrapped in Steve's arms, your head pressed into his neck, fingers curled into his shirt and small muffled whimpers left your lips. Tony stood next to you his head bent as he most likely told you a joke, judging by the way you let out a tiny laugh. Thor and another faceless agent took up the middle of the hallway. Thor's back was to his brother, allowing Loki to take notice of his tensed back muscle ready to spring.  Although it was the disgusted glare that the foolish agent kept aimed at you that sent his blood boiling.

"What is going on here?" Loki's voice rang out maliciously as his spear manifested in his left hand.

"Daddy!" You began to wiggle in Steve's grasp but a quick shake of your father's head stilled you and set your blood smeared lips into a pout.

"This man struck (y/n)." Thor informed, still poised to crush the agent that dared to assault you. Loki's magic crackled through the air as he struggled to contain his rage.

"Your kid handled it like a pro, she tore into his hand with her teeth." Tony piped in with a large smile plastered on his face. A giggled left your throat and a small tugged at the corners of Loki's lips before more pressing matter drew his attention from your now smiling face.

"Why?" The single word was spat with so much malice that the idiotic agent could barely contain his bladder.

"All I did was grab her arm to take her to Director Fury and she started hitting me." The agent pitifully defended himself against the oncoming onslaught.

"That's not true. He said I was going to have to leave daddy." You growled angrily as you pointed a small accusing finger at him. You once again began to wiggle from Steve's grasp and this time you managed to get free. You rushed to your father's side and raised your arms, begging to be held. Loki complied and placed a quick kiss to the top of your head as he did.

"You will never leave me; anyone who tries to separate us shall die." He whispered into your ear before dropping another kiss to your head. His eyes rose to gaze at your attacker and they lost all fondness they had previously held.

"If you come near my daughter again I will torture you until you beg me to end your life. Do you understand?"

   The agent nodded quickly, fear radiated off him as he ran off just as fast. Loki sighed and shifted your weight in his arms to a more comfortable position. Something soft got pressed against his free hand and a small glance downward showed it to be a Kleenex, offered by Steve. Wordlessly, but with a nod of thanks, he took it and began to wipe up the blood that soiled your face and shirt.

"Loki!" Fury's shout brought a grimace to Loki's face and the unmistakable look of fear to yours.

"Yes?" Loki tried to retain his usual cold disposition, but cradling a child to his chest made that nearly impossible.  Fury stopped a few inches in front of Loki and his hard gaze grazed over you. You squirmed uncomfortably for a second, before deciding to wrap your arms around your father's neck.

"Come here." Fury commanded as he reached for you. Your eyes widened, heart sped up and your breathing became ragged as you watched the man get closer to you.

"No!" You screeched while your leg shot out and caught the older man in the stomach. It was deathly silent as he caught his breath again, until Tony let out a huge laugh.

"This kid is awesome." He chuckled ignoring the horrified look Steve shot him and the glower his sort of boss gave.

"You can't make me leave daddy and if you try I'll push you off the ship." You threatened as your lower lip trembled. You clutched your father tighter and your little fingernails dug into the flesh of his neck.

"She's definitely your daughter alright."  Fury confirmed once his lungs resumed taking in oxygen. Your hard stare was hard to break but when you finally backed down and let your eyes rest on the floor, he broke character and actually let the left corner of his mouth lift up into what might have been considered a smile.

"She has the makings of being a great fighter, if she had the proper training and encouragement.  She can stay, but I want to be aware of her whereabouts at all times, understood?"

    Loki nodded crisply and while you didn't understand half of what the man said you knew he wasn't about to pull you from your father.

"Sorry I kicked you." You apologized truly remorseful. Fury just shook his head as he turned to leave. Life was always unpredictable around the S.H.E.I.L.D agency.  

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