Marry Me >> Tony x reader

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    The air was filled with thick black smoke and your lungs burned and heaved as they tried to take in what little oxygen they could. Sweat poured off you as you quickly maneuvered your way to the window furthest from the raging fire behind you. You threw open the window as fast as you could and took a deep breath of the cleaner air. Your eyes scoured the area surrounding your apartment building but the welcomed sight of red engines was nowhere to be seen.  You cast a fearful look behind you at the fire rushing towards you.

     With tears in your eyes you turned back to your only option of escape, the window. After all plummeting six stories unto concrete had to be better than getting burned alive. With tears flowing freely and only one sob you leapt through the window just as the flames began to lick at your feet. Your eyes screwed shut as you free-fell to what would presumably be your death.

     It didn’t take long at all for something cold and hard to ram into you. The strange thing was it didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would and wind still whipped at your body. Gingerly you peeked one eye open. A large smile broke out on your face as you sighed in relief.

“Thank you Tony.” You thanked him as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s suit. You remained silent for the remainder of the trip to the familiar Stark building.  He gently set you down before removing his suit.

“I thought you were doing something with the Avengers?”

“Yeah well Fury’s face is nowhere as lovely as yours so I ditched him.” Tony replied while he swept you into his arms again and rushed to the nearest couch.

“Are you alright?” He asked while his eyes roamed over your body for any type of injury. You numbly shook your head no before snuggling deeper into his embrace. A few stray tears fell unto Tony’s neck as a small sob escaped your lips.

“Shh it’s okay now.” Tony tried soothing you while he rubbed your back. He waited until your crying stopped before he pulled away.

“You nearly scared me to death (y/n). From now on you’re going to have to stay here and never leave my sight.” Tony declared before pulling out a black velvet box, “Marry me.”

“That’s more of a demand than a proposal.” You giggled while you held your hand out so he could slip the large diamond ring on your finger.

“I’m going to need to borrow some clothes.” You stated out of the blue as you pulled away from Tony’s crushing hug.

“Who says you need clothes?” Tony grinned before picking you up and heading for his room.

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