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Hoseok's POV1

Why is it that you never realize how much you love someone until you lose them? Don't get me wrong, this is not the first time I have lost Jimin. No. But memories don't do pain any justice. You think, oh this time will be easier; I am stronger now. Yet when the time comes, you are once again crushed by that burning pain, pulled under the waves of emotions that you built yourself. People know me for my happiness. I am a Sunshine. To everyone. Yet even the sun gets eclipsed by the moon. And oh, if you only knew how many moons I get eclipsed by.

Yoongi is a moon I don't mind. He's there for everyone. Eclipses everyone. Yet in the end, he is alone. I feel bad for him. Yet he doesn't want anyone's sympathy. Heck, he doesn't want anyone to notice his pain. Insists he doesn't hurt. I think it hurt him this time though. He's worse than usual after Kookie.

Taehyung is the moon that I worry about a lot. He and Jimin are best friends. Jimin loves him like a brother. Is it possible for him to start to love him as something more? Impossible! I told myself over and over. Yet now... Jungkook has been just as close to Tae. Look what happened. No, I don't trust TaeTae. Yet I can't help but like him. He's very likable.

Jungkook. Never thought that I'd have to worry about dear little Kookie. Yet now.... They slept together. I'm not jealous of Kookie. Not mad at him. I have no right to be. Yet I am hurt that Jimin thought it necessary to try to forget me, even for a small moment of time. He wanted me out of his head. Wanted it enough to convince little Kookie, who must've been feeling sensitive after the Tae incident.

Oh dear God, what have I done?

As always, when I get this question, I go to one of 2 people. Yoongi, or Namjoon. Both wise in very different ways. It's Yoongi I go to this time. Namjoon is still down watching the movie with his heartbreak and Tae. Jungkook leaves me to go join them.

I knock on the studio door softly.

"Door's open, Hoseok." He calls from within. I jump when he says my name.

"Lock the door behind you." I do so, then squint in the darkness to try and see him.

"Sit." I sit. Obedience is the best method when it comes from getting advice from Yoongi.

"You're surprised that I knew it was you?" He asks, and I finally locate the figure his voice is coming from. In a corner, sitting with his back against the wall. Sulking.

"Yea.. How did you?"

"Easy." A bitter laugh. "I know you all too well. Way too well." Was that an echo of regret? Or just plain bitterness? I strain to decipher his features in the darkness. "If I was feeling better, I might have launched into some story about your tender jealous feelings. However, I'm not. Truth is, I was half-expecting you yesterday." I raise an eyebrow in surprise.


"Ah. You didn't know." He shakes his head. "Chim slept with our maknae yesterday."

I nod. "Yeah. I guessed that." Then add, "Today." Yoongi nods.

"So. Mr Green. Spill."

"Mr Green?"

"Your favorite color? Color of Hope? Also the color of jealousy. Thought it was appropriate." I smile at hearing Yoongi crack something close to a joke. Hopefully, it means he's getting better.

"Don't know how to say this..."

"Goddamit Hoseok! You start out like this every time. Skip the intro." You'd think the guy's bipolar. His mood swings should be explained by science. I gave him a mood bracelet once. It's supposed to turn the color of your mood. He wore it for a day before it stopped changing color. Seokjin teased Yoongi about it for months.

"I fucked up."

"No shit." He snorts, and I throw him a dirty look.

"I need help?"

"Or you wouldn't be here."

"If you know everything then help me!" I snap.

He lays on his back on the floor with an easy grace.

"I don't know everything. If I did, life would be easier. However, I do know Jimin. Most likely, he's forgiven you already, he just needs help realizing it."

I raise an eyebrow. "Realizing it?"

"Yes, Hoseok. Show him you care."

"Care about...?"

Abruptly, Yoongi sits up and looks at me. "Are you dense? HIM. Show him you care about him."

Oh. "How do I do that?"

"Fuc--" I shoot him a dirty look. "Fine." He thinks for a moment. "When was the last time you two went on a date? A proper one. Without someone tagging along." A date? Gosh, it's been ages....

"Not since last year."

"Take him out somewhere." I nod. "Preferably not a dance studio."


"What? Knowing you two, you're gonna spend the day practicing."

I nod again. "You think he'll forgive me then?" I say, beginning to hope.

"Pfffffftttt. No!"

I pick up a pillow and throw it at him. He ducks, laughing. "Okokokok. Stop!" He shouts as I start throwing anything I can find at him.

"Apologize!" The command in his voice stops me.


"Not to me, you dumb-head." I look at him, confused. "To Jimin. He'll forgive you if you mean it."

He throws me a disgusted look. "Yes, really. You all are so predictable!"

"Thank you hyung!" I move to hug him, and to his credit, he endures the hug for a full 2 seconds before shrugging my hands off.

"Yes, yes. Off you go. Leave your hyung to sulk in peace and silence." He waves me off. Looks like my presence is no longer tolerated today. Oh well. I got what I wanted. I return to my room and lean over Sleeping beauty.

"Tomorrow, you're going to be mine." I place a kiss to his cool forehead and leave him to his dreams. Now.... where do people get flowers from?

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