1: Cheater

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I'm in the process of both finishing and rewriting this. There are chapters in both first and third points of view. It gets worse before it gets better. I'll take this warning down when I finish rewriting. Always read the time period.

3rd Person POV, (Present Time)

Jungkook walked down the hall, nervously, shuffling his feet. There were different ways Yoongi could take these news. Jungkook let his mind wander as he made his way to the well-known studio door. Best case scenario will be heaven. Worst case.. He did not want to think about that. Worst case would be unbearable. Little did Kookie know that his worst case would be nothing compared to what was about to happen. Jungkook was expecting anger. Maybe indifference. Nothing prepared him for what happened next.

The halls eventually led to the studio. Jungkook could hear Hoseok's voice echoing through the empty dance room. "One two three. One two three."

Looking in, Hoseok and Jimin were moving in sync to the upbeat music. Dance practice. The next door was the recording studio. It was empty, which was expected. After all, no one used it regularly. It was filled when they were readying for a comeback. Door at the very end of the hall was the thickest. The unbreakable door. Soundproof. Yoongi's office.

Originally it was a recording studio backup, but Yoongi took over on the second day they came here. He spent more time here than he did in his own room. There was only one rule concerning that room. KNOCK. With a steadying breath, Jungkook lifted his arm to do just that.

He noticed it was shaking. With excitement? Or fear? He didn't know. Three knocks.

"Who is it?" Yoongi's voice was bored and distracted. Working, then.

"Jungkook." There was a pause.

"Kookie? What are you doing here?" The door was still closed.

"I-I need to tell you something." The nervousness in his voice made Jimin step out of the dance room. He was glistening with sweat, his eyes lit up, his white tank top soaked through, and his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. There were many times when Jungkook wondered if Yoongi preferred the beautiful Jimin over him.

"You good?" No matter how many times fans gushed about Jungkook's own voice, he would always envy Jimin's soft and velvety tones. Not in singing. No, Jungkook loved his voice then. It was everyday conversation that he found unbearable.

"Yeah. I think. How long has he been locked up?"

"I don't know. A day I think. Why?" Jimin's big eyes swept Jungkook's face, as if it would somehow give him the answer seconds before it left Jungkook's lips.

"I messed up. Badly." Jungkook's voice was barely audible.

"Ah. Not the best time for that, Kooks." Jimin made a sympathetic face. "But what's done is done, or so they say." Jimin turned to Yoongi's door and pounded. "YO! Old man! Open up!"

Jungkook flinched. He would never have dared to do that. But then, Jimin's relationship with Yoongi was different. At times Jungkook wondered just how much of a difference there really was, especially when he caught sight of them, kissing on the porch last December. Neither of them had come down for dinner that day.

Apparently, enough of a difference to make Yoongi open the door. No matter in what state, how tired, how beaten up, how utterly messy and disheveled looking, Yoongi never failed to take Jungkook's breath away. His face took on the same wonder as the very first day. Yoongi noticed Jungkook staring and smirked.

"When you have finished your flattering staring, please remember--"

"Beauty is only skin deep." Jungkook knew that saying by heart, hearing it so many times from more people than he cared to remember. Yet he couldn't help it. The black hoodie and ripped jeans were the most cliché look out there. So of course Namjoon had to go out and buy a truckload of the same jeans and different colored hoodies. Of course he had ordered both for him and Yoongi, because as he always said, after living together for 2 years in a flat in Seoul before debut, buying clothes for each other was a habit. Jungkook idly wondered why that habit stayed after debut.

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