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"Now baby boy, who's dick are you about to have? Don't be shy. I want to hear my name." Oh god! Was there ever a more repulsive creature on earth? "I said, Who's dick are you about to have?!" The anger in his voice made me shrink into the wall, until....

"Mine." A voice spoke up from behind us.


It couldn't be....

The arms that held me were ripped away, and I fell to the ground in a heap, unable to get the energy to move. The was a sound of feet against the pavement, and I knew Kung-min had left. Sung-ho and Chin-hwa were standing, hands crossed. Chin-Hwa's pants were still pooled around his ankles, his member hanging out, short, fat, and hard. That was all I could see; the voice that saved me was blocked by them. Yet I'd know that voice anywhere...

Yoongi pushed his way past Sung-ho and Chin-hwa, kneeling beside me.

"Jungkook? Jungkook can you move?" His voice was surprisingly soft, laced with concern. The concern got real at m lack of an answer. "Jungkook?" I tried to move, but my legs were frozen stiff. Kicks from a soccer-playing guy hurt more when they are delivered in soccer shoes. I remembered  an especially hard kick to my ribs, and the nauseous feeling. Maybe I had it worse than I thought. There was panic in Yoongi's voice as he grabbed my shoulder and gently shook it. "Kookie! Kookie can you hear me?" I tried telling him that I was fine, but all that came out form my mouth was a coupe of mumbles. I felt a trickle of blood go down my neck. When had they kicked my throat? Any sort of concern or panic was gone from Yoongi's voice as I heard him stand up. "You two are dead." I heard the sounds of a fight, and then the whiny apologies. Each muffled sound of a blow sent chills down my back. I couldn't crack my eyes open. I was scared for Yoongi. He was one person, a lazy indoors person, against two people, one of which as in excellent physical shape. There were groans of pain, and a set of footsteps heading away from us. One of them has left. Yoongi? But no, I could hear his grunts as he delivered punches. There was a pause during which he only sound was heavy breathing. Then,

"You do realize he's barely conscious, right? You do know that he might have a cracked rib, or even brain injury?" Yoongi asks whoever remained.

"Please! I didn't know! Chin-hwa took it too far!" Sung-ho. With great difficulty, I open my eyes.

There is the sickening crunch as Yoongi punches Sung-ho in the face. Shaking his head, he spits in Sung-ho's face, who is now crouching, holding his nose.

"Didn't know, my ass. YOU FUCKING HELD HIM DOWN! You HELD HIM DOWN as your friend was about to rape him!" The anger surprises me. I had never seen Yoongi worked up like this before. He was usually a calm and collected person.

Sung-ho gets to his feet. "Whatever. Take your whore. But don't try and tell me that he is anything but a distraction. Gloss, my brother knew you. My brother fucked you. And my brother screwed you over. Little Jungkookie over there is a poor replacement, as are the other whores I saw you with."

Yoongi took this statement fairly well. "Jeez, kid. Don't believe everything you hear. Tell your brother that he  was the distraction, not the 'whores' he sees me with. I was screwed over wayyyyy before I knew Lee Sang-hoon."

I hear Sung-ho leave. Finally, Yoongi comes back to me, and sits down, leaning against the wall.

 "You know, when Tae said I'd be picking you up, I didn't expect to be met with this." He smiles and looks over to me. I only groan, my senses slowly coming back to me. He puts my head in his lap, and gets some tissues and water our of my backpack. Focusing, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth, he cleans up the blood on my face. I didn't even notice it was there. Did they really kick me that much? How much time has passed? But when I tried to talk, Yoongi just placed a finger over my lips, and shushed me. We sat there for a while; him leaning against the brick wall, and me laying on the ground, my head in his lap, looking at the sky change from a pink to a swirling purple. It was near sunset. Apparently, we had been sitting for around two hours before Yoongi looked a his watch.

"Five more minutes. Then I'll try to walk you to the car."



Double update!

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