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Chapter 27Jungkook POV1 (2012)


I turn around, half thinking I dreamed the hissed whisper.


There it goes again, louder this time.

I'm standing in the school parking lot amidst the cars, looking back and forth like someone crazy.

"I swear to motherfucking God Kookie!"

I suddenly get grabbed from behind and pulled into the driver's seat of a car.

I get ready to scream bloody murder when something stops me. 'Kookie'?

Turning to confirm my suspicions, I stare at the driver of the car.

Yup, I guessed it. I am sitting in Yoongi's lap.

"What are you do--!" I get cut off by a hand clamping over my mouth.

"As your teacher, I'm not supposed to pick you up so do me a favor and shut up." Yoongi pushes me down and I find myself in an awkward situation, straddling Yoongi while he's driving off of school grounds. When I try to move to sit in the passenger seat, he takes a hand off the wheel and places it firmly on my hip, pushing me back down.

"Hyung?" I question his actions.

He ignores me.

"Hyung?" I try again.

Nope. Nothing. No reaction. He turns on a highway.

"Where the fuck are we going?"

He continues ignoring me. Well... Out of all the people to get kidnapped by, I guess Yoongi isn't that bad. After a couple of minutes I give up on trying to force a reaction out of him. Leaning forward, I rest my head on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart. I feel him look down at me, and then he takes his hand off my hip and threads it through my hair. Sighing, I close my eyes.

Third Person POV3 (2012)

Closing his eyes, Jungkook starts humming under his breath, utterly exhausted from his over-suspicious and over-anxious mind. He soon lulls himself to sleep.

Yoongi looks down at the brown haired boy sleeping in his lap. The younger's Cupid-bow shaped lips were slightly open, giving him a babyish sort of look. His hands were curled into fists against the older's jacket. It touched Yoongi, how much the younger trusted him. He really shouldn't have; Yoongi wasn't a trustworthy person. Not honest, not trustworthy.... What was Min Yoongi? Where were they going?

The latter question was soon answered as Yoongi pulled into an abandoned parking lot. The stopping of the car woke Jungkook, and he sat up, looking around.

"Wow hyung. You really have a thing for creepy abandoned places, don't you?" Jungkook exclaimed. The corner of Yoongi's lips quirked.

"Why are we here, anyway?" Jungkook asked, still looking around with wide eyes.

In truth, the parking lot wasn't that bad. There were no other cars there, and it was near an old-looking building, but there was no trash lying around, no drunks passed out on the pavement. It was just... empty. Eerily so. Yoongi looked at Jungkook for a moment, taking in the younger's amusement. Then Yoongi's smile dropped, and his face hardened.

"Jungkook." Yoongi spoke for the first time since telling the younger to shut up. Jungkook's head immediately snapped to look into his hyung's eyes.

Wide, soft brown eyes looking into slanted, dark and feline ones.

"First off, What the actual hell?!" Yoongi took out a piece of paper covered in hurried scawling. Jungkook's face turned red when seeing it.

"Hyung... where did you get that?" Jungkook slowly asked, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

"Your room." Came the flat answer. "Care to tell me how you came to have this?"

They both look at the paper.

"Jungkook. Why the fuck do you have a drug order form?" Yoongi's voice was dangerously quiet. Not his usual quiet. No, it was a you better answer me before I start yelling quiet.

Jungkook stayed silent. Oh well kid, It's your funeral.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Yoongi yelled, startling them both. "ARE YOU TAKING DRUGS?"

Jungkook whimpered looking down in shame. Yoongi's mouth fell open. "Please don't tell me you are!" Jungkook started shaking. Tears were pouring out of the corner of his eyes. Against his better judgement, Yoongi pulled the younger closer, letting him sob into his shoulder.

"Oh Kookie. What have you done..." Yoongi sighs, thinking of the hell awaiting the maknae at home if word ever got out. Jungkook continues weeping into his shoulder. Ten minutes, Fifteen minutes, Twenty minutes... Eventually Jungkook's sobs quiet down to wet hiccups. Yoongi is still holding him, rubbing soothing circles into his back. His face is thoughtful, and when he hears the younger fall asleep again, he gently pulls him off. Placing him in the passenger seat, Yoongi turns on a small light and gets out his glasses. Squinting, he reads the form. It's quite straight-forward and simple. Issued to Jeon Jungkook. His 14th dose. He picks them up daily. Has been doing so for a week.

Yoongi pauses. What has happened a week ago that would make the boy think that his only escape is drugs? Nothing really, if you don't count their encounter in the classroom...

Yoongi pauses. That can't be it, can it? Surely Jungkook can't have that big of a crush on him? Simple rejection wouldn't have caused all this?

Unbeknown to Yoongi, Jungkook had first met the school dealer in an empty hallway, much like his meeting with Aera. It was the day after his shopping trip with Yoongi, and he was 100% sure that he had made a mistake. The dealer spoke to him. Supported him for a half-hour. Talked to him enough to earn Jungkook's trust. Over the next couple of days, it was a constant battle between what was right and what he wanted. Jungkook knew saying "No" was his only choice, his right choice... But he oh-so-desperately wanted to forget it all. To forget he's gay. Forget he likes someone who doesn't give two damns about him. Seeing Yoongi snap right back into teacher mode seconds after their "moment" was the last straw. Jungkook had run out that day, knowing his choice was made. He'd been taking drugs for a week now. Right before and after Yoongi's class. He knew he was in no danger; Yoongi avoided looking at him during class. The drug numbed all the right nerves, grew his confidence enough so that Jungkook didn't cower when he looked at his teacher. Didn't cry after class. He would have loved to numb himself before going home, but his other bandmates were too close to him; Jin's mom-senses too good, Tae's friendship too important.

Yoongi mused on the matter, occasionally glancing at the sleeping boy in the passenger seat. His face softened whenever he did so; whatever choices he was battling were a constant turmoil, with no clear winner.

On one hand, he should tell the staff, the managers, or at least the band. Jungkook needed help. He was more likely to receive it from them than he was to seek it on his own.

On the other hand... Jungkook was still in High school. This one incident could ruin his whole career. He could get kicked out of BigHit, tearing his whole career to pieces. His parents would blame the whole thing on the managers. Jungkook would suffer for life from one mistake.

The sun set, and still Yoongi sat, musing. Finally, sighing, he started up the car.

"Kookie? Wake up dongsaeng. We got some talking to do."

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