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There are many times I wish that I could forget this month.

It has been days since my encounter with Yoongi, and the only thing different about my life was the fact that I no longer had a girlfriend. I just couldn't bear to keep her around after that happened. I had always been a bit of a player when it came to girls; I liked them, and they liked me. I always got bored in the end. Ji-woo was furious when she got my text from that night, telling her it was over, forwarding her the pic of her kissing some jerk on the soccer team. She was even more furious when I pushed her off after she flew to kiss me in the cafeteria. Was she stupid? Her face was heavily made up, her lipstick blood-red. Yet the color only repulsed me. It was her friend's natural pink tint of lips that made me turn back. It was so close in it's shade to Yoongi's....

"What are you, anyway? Gay?" So Ji-woo had stopped to this. Didn't know she had it in her.

"So, any guy who doesn't want you is gay? Interesting. I doubt you thought I was gay when you were screaming my name a week ago." I was surprised at the words coming out of my mouth, but they did their job; she turned red, and stomped off with a huff.

It all went well for a while. Then, about two weeks after I broke up with Ji-woo, I got a text from Tae, saying that he couldn't make it to walk home with me, and was sending Yoongi. I groaned and looked at the clock in my old classroom. 5 minutes until the bell. Yoongi would be late, and mad for being forced to bear my company. Absolutely great. I put my phone away and pretend I'm paying attention. A girl next to me giggles, and passes me a note. Rolling my eyes, I unroll it. It's a picture of Yoongi, staring off into the distance. The picture was taken by Tae at one of their dates. I look over in confusion. The girl throws a pointed look to it again. I look down. It's poorly printed, in black and white. Yoongi's in a T-shirt and sweats, his hair looks wet and messy. From what I can see, this would get any girl to start gushing. But why was this passed to me? I notice something written on the back. Flipping the picture over, I am startled by Ji-woo's handwriting. "Our Sub for March and April". What? Underneath, a string of hearts around the name. Mr. Min. What was Yoongi playing at? I pass the picture back, and am surprised with a text.


Unknown #

- Hey, It's Aera. Ji-woo's friend


Aera. It's a pretty name. I look over at the girl next to me. Her notebook reads "Yoo Aera". I decide to add her to my contacts. No harm in that, and it would pass the last minutes of class faster.

(a/n Jungkook's texts are in bold, Aera's are in italics)


-Hey. What did u mean by the pic?

-Ji-woo hacked the system for the months of March and April. Mrs Kim is going on pregnancy leave, and she is sending down Mr Min, because she saw him at the agency/entertainment company her friend works in, and she liked him. I thought you should know as all the girls got the memo, and between the two of us, a guy named Park Jimin once taught me to tell gays and straights apart. He was never wrong. You don't look too straight to me. Thought you'd want a heads up, since the moment Mr Min steps though that door....

- How 'bout you? Not afraid of competition?

- I have a girlfriend.

- Oh. Thanks, then.

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