37: Mall pt JK

194 7 0

3rd Person POV  (Present Time)

"Alright! Let's go people-watching!"

Oh, how Jungkook was regretting those words. It had seemed like such a fun idea, what with Yoongi in high (or low) enough spirits to let his sarcasm overflow to the max, and Taehyung seemed so excited to do something with the older hyungs. It seemed like it would be perfect. Jeon Jungkook should've learned by now that there is no such thing as perfect.

Jimin and Hoseok were flirting, Hoseok's husky voice whispering into Jimin's ear. Normally that would've been fine, but the couple was walking close enough to all of them that Jungkook could hear every word being uttered. Judging by the pained expressions on both Yoongi's and Taehyung's faces, so could they.

Taehyung made it a thing to point out every attractive person he saw, and ask Yoongi and Jungkook if they found those people cute. The rare times Jungkook or Yoongi said yes, Taehyung would run up to the woman / man and ask for their phone number, pointing back to where Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin were standing, and gesturing wildly. ("What do you tell them, hyung?" "I say my handsome friend is too shy to go and ask for a phone number, so they sent me.")

Somehow, Taehyung roped a pretty university student into walking along with them. The feminine-looking boy took one look at Yoongi's cold and disinterested expression, and got hearts in his eyes. The two were currently walking side by side, Yoongi's rare sarcastic remarks interrupting the stream of excited phrases pouring from the student's glossed lips.

It wasn't that the bubbly boy walking centimeters away from Yoongi had done anything wrong, no. He was cute, with a lovely personality and an infectious laugh. He was thin, and lithe, and was studying ancient architecture. He introduced himself at one point, ("Myung! It means clear and bright, and well... Eomma says it suits me!") Myung and Yoongi have struck up a conversation, (Myung being 3 years older than Jungkook told the younger to call him "hyung".) Now Jungkook was stuck side-by-side with Taehyung, the explicit couple behind them and his ex with an attractive person in front of him. The day couldn't possibly get any better.

Until it did.

"Oh shit. Joonie says we have to stay out for a bit longer; he and Jin-hyung are fixing a---what?" Yoongi leaned away from the phone in his hand, a disgusted expression creeping over his face. "No! Do not call me while Jin-hyung's mouth is anywhere in the near vicinity of your dick." Whatever Namjoon answered seemed to amuse Yoongi, because his lips twitched up as he struggled to keep his voice strict. "I don't care, Joons. Alright, see you in an hour. Love you too."

"An hour?" Taehyung exclaimed. "Not cool. They said 15 minutes max."

"You'll thank me later."

"What did he say, hyung?" Hoseok interrupted the stream of filth that started pouring out of the disappointed alien's mouth.

"That they made up, need a few alone-time minutes."

Hoseok's eyebrow quirked up.

"And then our lovely leader let out the loudest moan I've ever heard. Or maybe it just seemed that way cause he was in my ear. ANYHOW, I'm not coming back until they clean the fuck up."

Myung's expression during the whole conversation ranged from surprise, to "wtf", to acceptance of his new friends' weirdness.

"Alright, well we need to get something to eat so..." As always, Taehyung's head perked up at the mention of food.

"Coming?" This was thrown over Yoongi's shoulder in the general direction of Myung; the only way Min Suga ever did invitations.

Jungkook's stomach plummeted.

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