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3rd Person POV3 

EXTRA #1 (dk when the rest will be posted, tbh)

 As most bad things, this one crept up quietly, taking everyone unaware.

It was a sunny August afternoon, the sun's rays shining gently down on the small town of Daegu. The small park was bursting with activity as joggers skirted around businessmen in suits coming home from work. Dog walkers cooed at each other's pets, children raced around playing tag. A few emo teens kicked a pebble back and forth, admiring each other's skateboards and drinking energy drinks. Yes, it was a normal summer afternoon.

Jungkook skipped ahead of his husband (it felt weird to think of Yoongi as that; were they really married?), looking back every once in a while with a bunny-toothed smile. "Daegu's so pretty!"

Pretty wasn't a word Min Yoongi would usually associate with his hometown, but today he felt inclined to agree. Next to Jungkook ran Holly. His leash stretched back to Yoongi, but the pup had taken an immediate liking to the maknae, and was delighted at having someone to run with.

Walking down the path, Yoongi's gaze was fixed on his husband and his dog. The Min Family. How was this real? Was Jungkook really here, in his skinny jeans and Timberlands, wearing Yoongi's dark coat over his signature white shirt, smiling and calling Daegu pretty?

Despite the deceiving sunlight, it was late August, and the chilly winds reminded of the coming fall. Yoongi shivered, his once-again icy blond hair falling into his dark eyes. They had a week off before the beginning of more promotions for the new album, and Jungkook expressed a desire to meet Yoongi's extended family. All things considered, it went well.

"Hyung!" Jungkook jogged back to fall in step with his husband. "Hyung, can we get ice-cream?" It's been years, yet Jungkook still asked for everything with an irresistible pout.

"Sweet tooth." The rapper grumbled, no real bite to his words. "Go on then."

But Jungkook blushed and shook his head, curling in on himself to appear smaller.

Yoongi sighed. "Afraid of the ice-cream noona?"

Jungkook just gave a tiny nod, shyly glancing up at the elder.

"Oh, you big baby!" Yoongi flicked Jungkook's beanie with an endeared smile. "Come on."

Holly yipped at their feet as Jungkook's face lit up like that of a child. "Thanks hyung!" He chirped happily. He sticks out his hand, and Yoongi takes it in his, bringing it to his lips. Watching Jungkook blush, he kisses his husbands knuckles, one by one, eyes twinkling at the younger's shyness.

"Aish, stop being cute." Yoongi tells him sternly, delighting at the deeper shade of pink dusting Jungkook's cheekbones. They resume walking slowly, enjoying the last breaths of summer. "If you're shy from holding hands in public, I'd hate to see what would happen if I was to kiss you properly."

"'Mnot shy!" Jungkook protested. "I'm just..."


"Shut up!"

Yoongi laughed loudly, and Jungkook was smiling despite himself.


The ice-cream shop was cute. Pink, with an old, vintage-looking sign, all done in pastel colors. "Remind you of anything?" Jungkook whispered.

Yoongi shook his head.

"Our theme for Dynamite."

The moment the words left the younger's mouth, Yoongi saw it, immediately nodding. "Fuck, you're right."

Jungkook smiled, pleased with himself.

"Hey Kook, want a banana flavored sundae, whatever the hell that is?"

The maknae elbowed him. "You said you won't tease me anymore!"

"Right. You're over that phase. Strawberry?"

"I hate you so much right now."

"One strawberry ice-cream and one vanilla." Yoongi ordered.

"Plain." Jungkook teases him and the rapper smiles, knowing that Jungkook was going to end up eating most of both cones.

"We'll drop Holly off at home and go downtown for lamb skewers?"

Jungkook wasn't given an opportunity to answer because -- "OI, Min!" A loud voice made them both flinch. "Didn't your mother tell you not to get dessert before dinner?" Jungkook watched with some fear as all the warmth left his husband's expression. When the rapper next spoke, he made no effort to hide his Daegu accent, instead highlighting the slur in his words. Venom dripped from each letter.

"My mother didn't have enough food for dessert or dinner, as you well know, Park."

The man approaching them, - Park - Smiled coldly, in that way that downright assholes smile when they see someone they used to pick on. Sleazy, like they're on top of the world and you're just a bug on the bottom of their shoe. "Long time no see. Who's the twink?" The man's eyes raked up and down Jungkook's body, taking in his brown Timberlands, ripped jeans, all the way up to his tousled brown hair, escaping the beanie. Jungkook felt like a piece of meat at the market.

"I see time hasn't taught you any manners."

"I see time hasn't changed your attitude." The man countered back. His greasy black hair held too much gel, his eyes were too sharp, watching every small movement. His mouth spat words almost lazily, but there was a certain power behind them. He must've been important, or Yoongi would've socked him in the face already. The ratty black T-shirt hung low on the man's thin body and his slacks had brown stains.

Eventually, Yoongi sighed, turning to Jungkook. "Park Jihyeon." And everything suddenly made sense.

"Tell me twink, how does it feel, getting my sloppy leftovers?"

"Pretty good, considering you took the bad and left the good." Jungkook answered, boldness receding as soon as it came.

"He's got guts on him, doesn't he? Reminds me of you, Yoonie."

Yoongi shuddered. "God I hope not."

And, before he could snap and say something stupid that he'd regret, he wheeled both himself and Jungkook out the shop. "As far as closures go, I think we got lucky." Yoongi sighed, and Jungkook snorted quietly.

"He seems... different from what I expected."

Yoongi doesn't look up. "Drugs do that to a person. Believe it or not, he was once the most gentle man in the world."

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