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3rd Person POV

(Present time)

Wrapped in familiar strong arms, Jungkook felt like he was in a cocoon. As if no one and nothing could touch him when he was there. As if Yoongi was a wall guarding him from any evil that may befall upon the younger. Jungkook just had to face it; he was whipped. It felt good to confess, even only to himself.

He and Yoongi never actually voiced anything beyond "I like you". Any "I love you"s were meant as friends. Jungkook thought that loving someone who doesn't return his feelings (as much) would fill him with regret. So he hung on to the moment, the moment where nothing mattered except the deep breathing of the man next to him, the rise and fall of Yoongi's chest and their legs tangled together. It was a moment of bliss.

I love you, Min Yoongi.




"We need to clean up, baby." Yoongi blows at the tired boy's sleepy face, admiring the way Jungkook's long lashes fluttered when he blinked up at him. Those dark doe eyes seemed to memorize every detail of Yoongi's face. Usually that would make Yoongi self-conscious. He wasn't sure what he was now, but it wasn't exactly that. Flattered? Pleased?

"Don' wanna~'' Jungkook groans, cuddling closer into the comforting warmth of Yoongi's chest. Toned arms engulf him in a hug.

"Come on, Kookie! I'll bring you your hot cocoa."

"Okie." Jungkook cheekily smiles, his actions contradicting his words as warm caramel thighs wrap tighter around Yoongi, bringing the two impossibly closer together. The maknae holds onto him like a koala, and Yoongi has half a mind to stand up and walk downstairs like this, with a muscle bunny holding onto him like he's the koala and Yoongi's the tree.

"I didn't know you were such a cuddler, Kooks."

Jungkook blushes a crimson red. "I'm not. I just like your cuddles."

Yoongi glances at him with unconcealed fondness. Playing with the inky locks, the rapper feels inexplicably happy.

"You know, I never noticed. Your hair's not completely black. It's more of a super dark brown. Like... chocolate. Dark chocolate." Jungkook hums an answer, focusing more on the deep raspy rumbling voice than the actual words. He likes the way he can feel the vibrations traveling through Yoongi's chest when he speaks, and the long fingers combing through his hair feel like a massage. He droops a bit, sleepy and worn out, limbs not awake enough to start aching yet.

"Alright, I'm cleaning up." Yoongi announces when Jungkook closes his eyes. "You'll fall asleep here if we stay like this."

"Would that be so bad?" The vocalist's voice sounds so enticing that for a moment Yoongi's tempted to stay. But imaging the look on Jin's face gets him out of bed and lazily walking across the room, looking for clean clothes to fit his adorable (and exhausted) dongsaeng.

Jungkook opens a sleepy eye to watch the light reflect off his hyung's lean body as Yoongi bent down to take out two fluffy white towels.


"You said there's a piano here that you played?"

Yoongi nods, looking over at the younger curiously.

"Can you play a bit, hyung?"

Yoongi hesitates.

"Please! Please Hyung! Please play the piano for me?" Jungkook pouts, sticking out his full bottom lip, still red from Yoongi's kisses. The maknae's brown eyes turn into beautiful chocolate orbs. As if that wasn't enough, Jungkook rests his chin on Yoongi's thighs, crouching on the floor and looking up at the sitting rapper like the world's cutest puppy. Yoongi doesn't even have time to blink before he feels the "Jungkook effect" take place.

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