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"You got 5 minutes, " he says, striding across the room after closing the door, "to tell me why you came here." His voice carried the words, and the tone told me the unsaid ones. "Before I kick you out."



I gulp. I cant help it; I've never been good at explaining my spontaneous decisions. And Yoongi was never that good at tolerating them.

"Because it seemed like a good idea?" It comes out as a question. Yoongi isn't amused. I try again. "Because Kooks and I messed up, and I saw you come out here and Jimin's with Kooks and you came out here which you didn't do for years and I was worried and--and--" I end up sputtering. His face hasn't softened a bit, so I am prepared for the words when they come.

"Get out." He says it with venom. "Get out. Just get the fuck out."

I see his emotions peek through for a moment, and then they're gone. I have nothing left to do. There's nothing I can say to change his mind. Is there? I use the last weapon I have. Ignoring my make-up, I cry. I haven't cried much because of Yoongi in front of him, unless it was in pleasure or pain. But emotionally? Not because of him. He never gave me a reason to. I daresay it startled both of us quite a bit. He seemed to rethink his words, but not enough to take them back. I sink to the floor, knowing exactly what Jungkook meant and felt like whenever he came to my room, crying because of this same man.

"Why are you punishing me? I didn't do anything wrong. We have an open relationship. I never did anything wrong!" I wasn't faking, either. It was unfair. Not undeserved, just unfair. He seemed to realize it. There was technically nothing wrong with my actions. I was allowed to sleep with whomever I wanted. It was morally wrong though. Yoongi loves his little Kookie.

Yet whatever you can say for spontaneous decisions, this one seemed to work.

"Get on your knees, princess."

That was my cue. The 'princess' felt unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. I got on my knees spreading the skirt across my lap, looking down on the floor.

"Now. What did you do wrong today?" His voice was calm, yet there was a hint of anger.

"I-I-I seduced Kookie."

Suga snorts.

"Seduced, my ass. Why did you do it?"

This is a tricky one. Why did I?

"I was lonely. You haven't touched me in weeks! And Kookie was there, lonely too." He flinches at the last part. He hadn't spent time with any of us. He was always somewhere else.

"And what would you do if I didn't touch you for another couple of weeks?"

While we were talking, he stepped closer and closer, and now bent down in front of me, his hand on my chin, tipping my head up to look me in the eyes. "What would you do then?"

HE WOULDN'T!!! I open my mouth, about to give him a piece of my mind, but what comes out instead is a whimper.


His chuckle is dark. At least he finds this amusing. At least he isn't kicking me out.

His hands run over the material of the skirt. He raises an eyebrow at it, and I blush. This is going to be awkward to explain. I open my mouth and then close it again. I really don't know what to say. he leans closer, and I breathe in his scent. He plants kisses along my neck, and I get goosebumps. Butterflies build up in my stomach. Something tells me that this is going to be different than before. He confirms my thoughts, picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I burrow my head in his chest, and somewhere in the back of my brain, I am wondering how he picks us all up. Jimin's the only one short enough to do that to. Yet that's the back of my mind. Mostly, my brain has turned to mush as Suga carries me to the bed. He stops, and starts to gently place me down, when something changes his mind. he unwraps my hands from around his neck, and suddenly, I go flying. I land on the bed with a thump, and look up at Suga, confused. The jerk is laughing.

"Lighten up, Tae." He lands on the bed next to me. Whatever bad energy we had, it's forgotten for now.

I reach for him out of habit, then stop. Two can play that game. I turn away, willing him to reach for me instead. For once, I want Suga to need me more than I need him. As usual, I fail.

He rolls on top of me, and pins my hands above my head; keeping me from trying to touch him.

"Trying something new?" His voice is excited, and I realize that this is probably his way of blowing off steam. Forgetting about it, letting go, and having some fun. As far as anger management goes, this is pretty good.

So quickly that I don't even realize what happened, Suga takes off the top I was wearing, exposing my chest to him. He knows I am sensitive there. Holding onto my wrists with one hand, he traces my abs with the other, then suddenly attacks my neck. He's doe this before. His love bites will leave hickeys for all the boys to see. For the first time, I don't mind. I squirm under him as he kisses up and down my neck, until my collarbone is fully marked. I don't want to think about the amount of concealer I'll need to use for this. he moves down to my chest, and then my stomach, until I am an absolute mess. he's let go of my hands (because, you know, short person), and I bury them in his hair. He's dyeing his hair blond in couple of days for our comeback, and I know I'll miss the natural tint of his long locks. Just when I think that I can take this little torture, he stops.

Looking at my dumbfounded expression, he smirks.

"What? Wanted more?"

I am embarrassed to say that I nod. The smirk! That smirk! Under any other circumstances, Id wipe it right off his face with a well-aimed punch. But as you can probably imagine, I was in no state to do that now.

I was so focused on his face, that I didn't see his hand go up my skirt. My first clue that it was there was when he pinched me.

I yowled. No other words for it. I shot up and yowled. Once again, the bastard was laughing.

"Really Tae. You're losing it."

That did it. With a a growl i flipped him on his back, topping him. I'll show him who's losing what. It was a short-lived victory. My skirt slipped off, and he took the chance to rip the rest off, too.

Heart pounding, I look up at him.

Wait.... up?


I have never topped Suga during sex, and it looked like he wasn't breaking our streak. Not today. (No pun intended.)

He entered me slowly. I whimpered as he stroked my face, his movements oddly soft and sweet.  Moving slower than ever, drawing out the sweet pleasure. He knew he was driving me nuts. Damn you, Suga. Damn you!

I think I said it out loud, because his eyes narrowed. Uh oh. Without any warning, he flipped me over under him, so that his body was pinning me down, my face burrowed in the pillows. He went harder, yet any time I neared my orgasm, he slowed.

He was hurting himself, too. I heard him curse, and groan in frustration as he slowed down again.

Tears were streaming firmly down my cheeks. Is it crazy to say that I missed this? Missed the way our bodies moved rhythmically, the way i could hear his ragged breath near my ear. Missed the way my stomach clenched, the way I begged for the sweet release he was denying me. I knew he was close to breaking point when I felt soft kisses in my hair.

I came with a scream. He collapsed on the bed next to me, both of us completely spent. He rolled over and handed me a pair of his boxers from a drawer near his bed. Looks like I was spending the night. I haven't realized it was already 10PM.

What shocked me most was when, after our separate showers, instead of sending me to an adjoining room, like usual, he pulled me on the bed, and closed his eyes.

I was forgiven.

I was also, for the moment, the only member he tolerated around him. I had watched him turn off the notifications for all their private numbers, and watched him pause before blocking Jungkook's. He had meant it when he said he didn't "do"cheaters.


Sorry for not updating yesterday; I had writer's block. I'll try not to let that happen again.


The author

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