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"Yeah, it's fine." And somehow, it is. Somehow, when Jimin gets up and asks me back to his room to talk, I find myself following him. It would be easier than attempting to talk to anyone else right now.


Jimin's side of the room he shares with Jhope is tidy and strangely comfortable.

"Hoseok's going to be out all evening. Something about getting roped into a shopping spree with Jin." Jimin rolls his eyes as he says this, obviously not as annoyed as he sounds. I never really thought about his relationship with Jhope, but one look at his face when he mentions him, and everything is clear.

"You love him." I didn't realize I said it out loud until Jimin answered.

"Yeah..." It's a soft and wistful 'yeah'. He sounds sad about something. "You're gonna ask, aren't you?" He says with a sigh.

"Ask what?"

"Why I'm still with Yoongi if I love Hoseok."

I was going to ask, so I stay quiet. There were a couple of moments of silence.

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"You're not going to like it."

I want to know who the heck would like to hear a story about their boyfriend's other boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend's other boyfriend.

Jimin sighs and sits back in a chair. His usually happy face clouds over.

"I guess you deserve to know. Don't hate me afterwards, though. I warned you it's not nice to hear."  The warning tone Jimin has adapted is setting me on edge. Do I really want to hear this after already losing Yoongi? Deep breath, Jungkook. Deep breath. OK, here goes.

Jimin takes my silence as a yes, and gestures to the mound of pillows on the floor. I gave them to Jhope a couple of years back after he complained that his ass hurt from sitting on the floor. Yoongi said that if Jhope didn't stop complaining, he'll make his ass hurt for real. I sit down and make myself comfortable. The faraway look in Jimin's eyes tells me that this will take more than a while.

"Hoseok and I met at practice. I was considering BigHit's offer, when a happy looking guy walks in, loudly arguing with another trainee. The happy guy introduced himself immediately. Jung Hoseok. He then gestured back at and told me that the 'surly hyung in the back' is Yoongi. I remember recognizing them both. I saw Hoseok dance on the streets before. He was amazing. And I knew Yoongi as Gloss, from the Daegu Boys. He was an amazing rapper even back then. When I finally transferred to BigHit as a trainee, It was the shock of the century to have Hoseok as one of my dance instructors. He recommended me for BTS, and the rest you know. That's the official story."

He took a deep breath.

"And here's what they don't tell you. What they don't tell you was that I had gotten lost that day, and wandered in the locker room by accident. The boys'. Yoongi had his back to me, and was working out the cramp in his bad shoulder. I walked in, and he turned. He was very curt with me. Told me to get out. You know how he is. I stammered through and told him I was lost. He looked at me like I was something off the bottom of his shoe. I am, in case you haven't noticed, a what people call 'pretty boy'. It was normal for me to cross-dress on the demand of my old boyfriend. I was unused to people being rude to me. Yet there was Yoongi. He didn't stare or gape, just told me to get out. For the first time, I was the one doing the gaping. I didn't realize that I was still standing there. He was a bit creeped out by me, I think, and chose that moment to remember his manners. Asked me what my problem was. I think the exact words were 'What's your problem, punk?' Of course, my stupid self doesn't have a filter on my mouth. I said exactly what I was thinking. I asked him  why he was rude, and why he if he wasn't straight, didn't he stare at me like other boys. Awkward, but I pride myself on being able to tel gays and straights apart, sometimes before they even come out to themselves. I had Yoongi pegged as gay. I had never been wrong. I told him all of that. He was definitely amused by my honesty. I remember the joy at finding out he was pan-sexual. I had just broken up with my old boyfriend, and Yoongi seemed perfect. I was weird, I know. It took a week after I was announced as par of the band and moved in the house, before I got Yoongi off-guard, and asked him out. Straight out. He said he'd think about it, and avoided me for a bit.  A couple of weeks before debut he laid out the ground rules for if we were to enter a relationship. He was already with Hoseok and Taehyung. I had assumed that he was with you, too, but he cleared that up. Your relationship started much later. He had told me about the one other person he was dating, that didn't come out yet. I never imagined it was Namjoon. Namjoon was so obviously straight... Oh well. The one person I was wrong on. I realized after I saw how Namjoon looked at Seokjin. Asked first Namjoon, then Yoongi. Namjoon was embarrassed enough, and Yoongi cheerfully said that Joon was a bottom--"

 Hold up... "WHAT? Joon's a bottom? He.. How?.. What.." I had always imagined Namjoon on top. He acted like a top. How was the bossy and overprotective hyung a bottom?

"-- and Joon beat Yoongi with a pillow for it. Namjoon-hyung is a bottom sexually only. Otherwise, yes he acts like a top. But know you know Joonie likes it between the cheeks."

Jimin smiled mischievously.

"With Yoongi it's quite simple. We enjoy each other's company. Whenever Hoseok and I fight we both run to Yoongi. Drives him absolutely bonkers. Hoseok.... We bonded over dance. Well, actually we fought over dance. It was after a while that Yoongi told me that he shipped Hoseok and I. Once he started, he wouldn't stop. Hoseok got the same treatment. Yoongi loved to talk about Hoseok while I was in the room, loved to ask us both out on a shopping spree, and then not show up, leaving the two of us to bicker. Around the same time Yoongi and Jin became a thing. He told us both at the same time. Just drops in while we're at practice, and goes, 'I'm gonna try my luck with hyung.' and that was that. Jin was the only one older that Yoongi, and therefore the only one Yoongi could all hyung. Hoseok and I spent that first afternoon together, speculating on how Yoongi was going to attempt to seduce Jin. The next morning we were both in Yoongi's office, telling him that we wanted to date. After that, we became roommates. That was that. I love him. I think he loves me. At least, if he doesn't, then I'm in major trouble."

I sat there mulling it all over. So Jimin and Yoongi were a pre-debut thing. There was a certain fondness in Jimin's eyes when he talked of Yoongi, but there was a 'I'm in love' look when he mentioned Hoseok. That cleared things up a bit. It hurt to hear how Yoongi and Jimin met; it was a fairy-tale meeting. Something that happened in movies. Movies...

"Did you really get lost? Or did you follow the 'sulky boy' to the locker room?"

Jimin burst out laughing. "You're good." He was still laughing. "Now, Kook. Your turn."

What? No!

Jimin narrowed his eyes at my silence. "Come on. I told you mine. And believe it or not, I want to know. It's either that, or we can talk about what you did today that was a 'mistake'."

No getting out of this one. And, anyway, it was only fair that I told Jimin. He was turning out to be a comforting presence.

I accepted the water bottle Jimin handed me and pushed back, through the happy and bittersweet memories, to the very beginning.

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